
Semantic connections recommendation script for Obsidian.md notes.

Primary LanguagePython

Obsidian Vault Neighbors

Semantic links recommendation script

The goal

The objective of this script is to mine meaningful semantic connections between the notes in a given Obsidian vault. As a result the user receives a list of note titles that are recommended as new connection to a given note. The user can decide to form new edges basing on the recommendation.


Obsidian.md is an open source knowledge management software. As its creators describe it: "Obsidian is a powerful and extensible knowledge base that works on top of your local folder of plain text files." The Obsidian allows for forward and back-links as a way of connection between notes. This approach results with a graph. It can be traversed by users in search of new meaningful connections. The quality of semantic edges in the graph is dictated by the judgement of the user.

If you want to learn more about the Obsidian, check: Obsidian.md

  • An example of cluttered Obsidian graph (~500 notes)



The script employs method known as Bag of Words where each note is turned into a vector representation. Then, thanks to Nearest Neighbors algorithm, the script calculates the distance between the notes. This allows to return a list of notes that are the closest ones to a given master-note.


To use the script you need to have Python 3 installed on your machine as well as libraries specified in requirements.txt. All the commands here assume that you run them from the directory where vault_neighbors.py is saved.

Installation of dependencies

This assumes you have Python 3 already installed on your machine. If not then the easiest way to do it is to use Anaconda distribution.

Instalation of required libraries from requirements.txt: pip install -r requirements.txt


  • The script logic lives in vault_neighbors.py. Download it.
  • Three .txt files saved in the same location as .py file allow for more detailed parametrization. Each parameter value in these files should start a new line.
    • In order for the script to work correctly you need to specify absolute path to your vault. You can do it under nnpath.txt. The alternative is to provide it in the command line once prompted.
    • nnignore.txt allows you to define directories within your vault that should be excluded from the analysis.
    • nnpatterns.txt contains regular expression patterns that script should employ to get rid of the non-meaningful phrases from your notes. As each vault is different, you probably should come up with your own list of patterns. You can also leave this file empty.

Launching the script

This will return you 10 nearest neighbors to a note which title was passed after -t argument: python vault_neighbors.py -t 'title of the note'

Sample output:

Python script arguments:

You can control main parameters of the script like distance metric or number of recommendations with python script arguments. Below is a screnshoot of the python notes_neighbors.py --help:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
                        Set encoding for vault notes. Default utf-8
  -de, --drop_empty     Drop empty notes instead of filling them in with titles
  -do, --drop_outlinks  Dont take outlinks into the nearest neighbors analysis
  -ip IGNORE_PATH, --ignore_path IGNORE_PATH
                        Set path to nnignore.txt file. Default ./nnignore.txt
  -mt METRIC, --metric METRIC
                        Set distance metric for NN algorithm. Default 'cosine'. Available
                        metrics: jaccard, cosine.
                        Set nearest neighbors number the script should return. Default 10.
  -pp PATTERN_PATH, --pattern_path PATTERN_PATH
                        Set path to nnpatterns.txt. Default ./nnpatterns.txt
  -pk, --peek           Show note content after it got processed by the script.
  -t TITLE, --title TITLE
                        Pass full note title for which you want to get nearest neighbors
  -v, --verbose         Make script output more verbose
  -vp VAULT_PATH, --vault_path VAULT_PATH
                        Set path to nnpath.txt. Default ./nnpath.txt


  • The script has been tested Linux.
  • It's performance was tested on a vault with ~500 notes: 1.73 s ± 79.8 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)


  • User can look-up the note contents to see how it got processed by the script
  • Accuracy metrics