
python3.6 bot_trading.py backtest --start 2020-09-01 --end 2020-09-30 -l ENDURANCE
python3.6 bot_trading.py live -l ENDURANCE
python3.6 bot_trading.py audit -f '../stock.txt'
python bot_trading.py live -f stocks_100.txt


If getting error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'zerodha'"

Chage import line in top of file in AutomatedTradingSystem.py and broker/zerodha/zeroda_intraday_backtester.py. Instead of having 'from zerodha.zeroda_intraday_backtester import ZerodhaServiceIntraDay' change it to 'from broker.zerodha.zeroda_intraday_backtester import ZerodhaServiceIntraDay'


  1. /broker/zerodha/zeroda_base.py : filehandler failing due to file path in Windows.
  2. Need to store order summary and so analysis on gap. Possible DB integration.
  3. Implement budget allocation
  4. [low]Backup 'h' for live trading and backtester to compare differences.
  5. Report generation weekly, monthly, and so. Stats on daily profit/loss etc.

Code Formatting instructions
