
This repository contains examples on how to use Ext.Direct in conjunction with node.js server side using MySQL


ExtJS 5.1.0 (Check docs in http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/5.1.0/)


Node.js server of version 0.12.2+ and Express 4.x (check your NodeJS version using node -v if its not 0.12.* use this tool https://github.com/tj/n, get it working by running sudo npm install -g n then running n 0.12.2 that will download and switch to NodeJS 0.12.2)

Steps to get this working

    1. Clone this repo
    1. Create a local DB called Demo and load ./server/mysql/squema_mysql.sql
    1. go to ./server/mysql and run npm install then run sudo npm install -g nodemon and then nodemon server.js
    1. go to your browser to http://localhost:3000

Steps to develop new stuff

    1. Go to ./client/extjs
    1. Open htis folder with you favorite text editor (Subl, Atom, WebStorm) as a project.
    1. Edit files only inside ./client/extjs/app
    1. After editing refresh your browser to see the changes.

Building (only required for production)