
Use Google Directions API to check optimal point to reduce driving times from boxes on a virtual grid to destinations on a given area

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Weber problem data analysis based on Google Directions API for driving times

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weber_problem https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/start


  • Clone the repo
  • yarn (if you dont have yarn npm install -g yarn)
  • cp .env.test .env and add you Google API Key (Remember enable Google Directions API)
  • cp dataset.test.json dataset.json (Include your own data set here, current data is completely random)
  • yarn dev (will limit to two boxes and two destinations not to overuse API)

Real usage

  • yarn start


  • Implement atraction-repulsion calculation
  • Rank best locations
  • Load dataSet from external DB
  • Convert into a microservice
  • Parallelize requests
  • Use departure time information
  • Include parking as a variable