

$ cargo build --release

Plugin for validator

Plugin config example located in config.json. You need to change libpath field.

Now you can run validator with plugin:

$ solana-validator --geyser-plugin-config ./config.json

Accounts data compression

Since SQS payload can be only 256KB long and Solana accounts can be up to 10MB not all accounts will fit to SQS message. Currently messages with these accounts are dropped. But it's possible to decrease number of dropped messages if we will compress data. Right now zstd and gzip are supported.

"messages": {
    "commitment_level": "confirmed",
    "accounts_data_compression": {"algo": "none"}
"messages": {
    "commitment_level": "confirmed",
    "accounts_data_compression": {"algo": "zstd", "level": 3}
"messages": {
    "commitment_level": "confirmed",
    "accounts_data_compression": {"algo": "gzip", "level": 6}

level field is optional for both compression algorithms.

AWS Credentials

Required permissions:

  • sqs:Write
  • sqs:GetAttribute

Currently two types of authentication are supported: Static and Chain.

Static config:

    "sqs": {
        "auth": {
            "access_key_id": "...",
            "secret_access_key": "..."

Chain config:

    "sqs": {
        "auth": {
            "credentials_file": "/home/user/.aws/credentials",
            "profile": "rpcpool"

credentials_file and profile fields are optional.

Account filters

Accounts can be filtered by:

  • account - acount Pubkey, match to any Pubkey from the array
  • owner — account owner Pubkey, match to any Pubkey from the array
  • data_size — account data size, match to any value in the array
  • tokenkeg_ownerspl-token accounts when owner field field in Account state match to any Pubkey from the array
  • tokenkeg_delegatespl-token accounts when delegate field field in Account state match to any Pubkey from the array

All fields in filter are optional but at least 1 is required. Fields works as logical AND. Values in the arrays works as logical OR.


Filter accounts:

    "accounts": {
        "filter-by-account": {
            "account": [

Filter accounts with owner Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111 and size 128:

    "accounts": {
        "filter-by-owner-and-size": {
            "owner": ["Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111"],
            "data_size": [128]

Filter accounts with size 256:

    "accounts": {
        "filter-by-size": {
            "data_size": [256]
    "accounts": {
        "filter-by-owner-and-delegate": {
            "tokenkeg_owner": ["GUfCR9mK6azb9vcpsxgXyj7XRPAKJd4KMHTTVvtncGgp"],
            "tokenkeg_delegate": ["1BWutmTvYPwDtmw9abTkS4Ssr8no61spGAvW1X6NDix"]

Transaction filters

    "transactions": {
        "all-txs": {
            "logs": true,
            "vote": false,
            "failed": false,
            "accounts": {
                "include": [],
                "exclude": []

It's possible to log filter names to redis for transactions which were sent to SQS.

        "redis_logs": {
            "url": "redis://",
            "map_key": "transactions-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M",
            "batch_size": 10,
            "concurrency": 50

map_key value will be evaluated with strftime modifiers:

There is not any auto cleaner process, so you need to clean redis yourself.

Sample SQS messages

Message matching an owner filter:

    "data": "JEUwEoDhfYfMelONKGC7EeZcXrRT6lUHSnYcdIMkwvz7+JphEypNMqodwc1cnR16QKXhycV448DIRhZ2cEf0xZvhaQgSIsjxAMOd0AAAAAA=",
    "executable": false,
    "filters": [
    "lamports": 1447680,
    "owner": "MEisE1HzehtrDpAAT8PnLHjpSSkRYakotTuJRPjTpo8",
    "pubkey": "7nFcBnqt83uQdootsfpDi5vaVuXuL4DjvsnxnqQ1ps4e",
    "rent_epoch": 285,
    "slot": 123290000,
    "type": "account",
    "write_version": 236443918472

Message matching a tokenkeg filter:

    "type": "account",
    "filters": ["my-filter-1", "my-filter-2"],
    "executable": false,
    "lamports": 2039280,
    "owner": "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA",
    "pubkey": "3dcHyQ4SjMqgDjr2Maeq5HrgiuWRzRqovJxb4bWMmyxh",
    "rent_epoch": 285,
    "slot": 123309601,
    "write_version": 236563574827

Message matching a transaction filter:

    "type": "transaction",
    "filters": ["all-txs"],
    "meta": {
        "err": null,
        "fee": 10000,
        "innerInstructions": [],
        "logMessages": [
            "Program Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]",
            "Program Vote111111111111111111111111111111111111111 success"
        "postBalances": [499997095000, 1000000000000000, 143487360, 1169280, 1],
        "postTokenBalances": [],
        "preBalances": [499997105000, 1000000000000000, 143487360, 1169280, 1],
        "preTokenBalances": [],
        "rewards": [],
        "status": {
            "Ok": null
    "signature": "5k6VtaMh9iTifgZ5pNTm31T4BCobMeAFXvxDjsYpTjPLAVhgMPvwYRaMg5yaxHAqtjDa2o5bFwx4NFcuASoMxFz",
    "slot": 621,
    "transaction": "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"

FIFO Queues

FIFO Queues are supported but you need to enable ContentBasedDeduplication for your queue. message_group_id will be set to solana.

Message attributes

Except always existed message attributes compression and md5 it's possible to set custom attributes in sqs config key:

"sqs": {
    "attributes": {
        "node": "my-node-1",
        "any-other-attribute": "value of any other attribute"

Large Public Keys sets in config

If we want to start watch for a lot of Public Keys our config will be huge and for any change we will need upload a large object to Redis. As alternative plugin allow to use Redis Set which store Public Keys.

Config example:

    "accounts": {
        "filter-by-account": {
            "account": [{"set": "filter-by-account-keys"}]

With these config plugin will expect Public Keys in filter-by-account-keys.

Admin channel

Plugin support communication through redis, for activate it you need to add redis object:

"redis": {
    "url": "redis://",
    "channel": "admin",
    "config": "config"

Startup notification

On startup plugin sent notification message: {"node":"my-unique-node-name","id":null,"result":"started"}.


It's possible to ping the plugin to check that it's alive.





Config reload

It's also possible to reload filters without re-starting solana-validator.

You can check CLI-tool for this: cargo run --bin config -- --help.

Plugin will load config from Redis on startup, config key from Redis in current example (value should be stored as String), slots/accounts/transactions from json file will be overwritten. Config format in Redis is same as in filters section in JSON config file.

Each time when config need to be reloaded these data should be published to the channel (admin in current example): {"id":0,"method":"global"}. As response you will get: {"node":"my-unique-node-name","id":0,"result":"ok"}.

Small reloads

If we have large set of Public Keys it's not convenient reload whole config because we will to fetch all the data from Redis. Instead you can sent command which add or remove Public Key from the filter. Data in Redis should be updated by you, same as for global reload.

For example:

$ cargo run --bin config -- --config ./config.json send-signal pubkeys-set --action add --filter accounts --kind account --name example --pubkey MY_PUBLIC_KEY
Send message: {"id":13228547606808916809,"method":"pubkeys_set","params":{"filter":{"accounts":{"name":"example","kind":"account"}},"action":"add","pubkey":"MY_PUBLIC_KEY"}}
Received msg from node "my-unique-node-name": {"node":"my-unique-node-name","id":13228547606808916809,"result":"ok"}
$ cargo run --bin config -- --config ./config.json send-signal pubkeys-set --action remove --filter accounts --kind account --name example --pubkey MY_PUBLIC_KEY
Send message: {"id":5831892823480507891,"method":"pubkeys_set","params":{"filter":{"accounts":{"name":"example","kind":"account"}},"action":"remove","pubkey":"MY_PUBLIC_KEY"}}
Received msg from node "my-unique-node-name": {"node":"my-unique-node-name","id":5831892823480507891,"result":"ok"}