
(old and unused) Library for generic SCSS mixins and colour variables

Primary LanguageCSS


Library for generic SCSS mixins and colour variables.

Using SCSS/SASS partials

Given you have an SCSS file with your specific stylings for elements, you can import "partial" files which are not compiled to a CSS file of their own. So when you "import" that file, the actual file that you want compiled will compile normally, including all the mixin and variable values which you included in separate files.

Note : Partials are denoted by an underscore (_) before the file name. Example file: _mixins.scss

In your main file, you simply import the file via:

  @import 'mixins';

And then you have access to all the mixins from that file! Yay!

The Mixins

$box-shadow-prefixes: -webkit-box-shadow, -moz-box-shadow, box-shadow; // a list required for mixin #2

@mixin align($location) {
  text-align: $location;

@mixin border-radius($amount) {
  -webkit-border-radius: $amount;
     -moz-border-radius: $amount;
      -ms-border-radius: $amount;
       -o-border-radius: $amount;
          border-radius: $amount;

@mixin box-shadow($arg, $arg2: null, $arg3: null, $arg4:null) {
  $arguments: $arg, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4;
  @each $property in $box-shadow-prefixes {
    #{$property}: $arguments;

@mixin opacity($amount) {
  -khtml-opacity: $amount; /* Safari 1.x */
    -moz-opacity: $amount; /* Netscape */
      -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=#{$amount * 100})"; /* IE8 */
         opacity: $amount; /* Good Browsers */
          filter: alpha(opacity=#{$amount * 100}); /* IE 5-7 */

@mixin transform($args) {
  -webkit-transform: $args;
     -moz-transform: $args;
      -ms-transform: $args;
       -o-transform: $args;
          transform: $args;

@mixin transition($arg) {
  -webkit-transition: $arg;
     -moz-transition: $arg;
       -o-transition: $arg;
          transition: $arg;

@mixin delay($count) {
  -webkit-transition-delay: #{$count}s;
     -moz-transition-delay: #{$count}s;
       -o-transition-delay: #{$count}s;
          transition-delay: #{$count}s;

@mixin dimensions($width, $height) {
   width: $width;
  height: $height;

The Variables (an ever-growing list)

  $white                 : #FFF;
  $whitesmoke            : #F5F5F5;
  $gray                  : #CCC;

Getting started with the example

(Required: RubyGems, Git, Ruby >= v1.9.2)
$ git clone git@github.com:rpearce/bertstrap.git
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle
$ ruby app.rb
Navigate to http://localhost:4567

Compile SCSS files to CSS folder in compressed form:

$ sass --watch ./public/stylesheets/scss/:./public/stylesheets/css --style compressed