
Drop the bass with git rebase

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Dropping the bass with git rebase.

Art from The Git Rebase Introduction I Wish I Had

The plan

Dive right in!

  1. Merging main into our feature branch vs rebasing main
    • What about conflicts?!?
  2. Simple amending of commits with git commit --amend
  3. Fixup, squash, reword, and delete our garbage commits with git rebase -i
    • Reminder: drop the bass
  4. A word about git push's --force vs --force-with-lease
  5. Survival tip: assume everyone is a secret rebaser & force pusher
    • git pull --rebase origin/the-branch
    • git config --global pull.rebase true, or in .gitconfig:
        rebase = true
  6. Rebase fearlessly with git reflog
  7. Branching off branches, keeping up with rebasing, parent branch gets merged to main, and what now? git rebase --onto ftw
  8. Rebasing Etiquette, or: How to Not Make People Hate You
