
block explorer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Aragon Block Explorer CircleCI Percy


Aragon-Block-Explorer is a small app to explore the latest blocks on Ethereum. The goal of the app is to provide a way to glance at the recent Ether transfers happening on the blockchain.

Getting Started

Quick setup

Tested with node version 10.16.0
npm install

This installs global package dependencies.

How to run locally

npm run start:mainnet

Will explore the latest 10 blocks from Mainnet

npm run start:rinkeby

Will explore the latest 10 blocks from Rinkeby test network

Running tests

The app was integrated with puppeteer and percy to review visual changes.

If you want to fork and set your own percy token you need to set the percy env variable

npm run test:integration

If no Percy token was found the visual changes check will be sikped.


Create a fade in effect for incoming blocks