Ryan Petty is a serial entrepreneur and technology executive with over 20 years in the telecom, media & technology industries.
WalkUp FoundationLakeland, FL
rpetty's Following
- alechartung
- AudiA420TBear Flag Robotics
- balajis
- danielmiesslerUnsupervised Learning
- ipetty14
- jessuppiLittleBizzy
- jonstokesFormerly of Ars Technica, Wired, Conde Nast
- kaeverett
- MikeMcQuaid@Workbrew
- patrickpetty23Provo, Utah
- revprezOpenCorrelate
- rockrepDelayed Karma, LLC
- savtwoRemote
- stevejenkinsJenkins Holdings LLC.
- torvaldsLinux Foundation