Obsidian canvas plugin for using AI completion with threads of canvas nodes
- a13ph
- aiyou9Nanjing Forestry University
- amoghyermalkar123Currently Auth @ConnectWise
- AntoineButeauReplit
- BradLugo@RedHatOfficial
- bramses@StenographyDev
- cloveleeaoq.me
- comatose-tortoise
- conneroisuIowa State University
- cyberiapsycho
- DefClean
- eXperitur
- fowfofnsnsaofi
- hongxunming
- icarecti
- InDate
- isawall317
- jancbeckascent.io
- jsifalda
- mcquegChicago, IL
- nathanonnSmashing Advantage
- nhz-ioNanohertz
- ohmygaugh-crypto
- orandAnchorage, Alaska
- osamudazai2594
- Pent
- phi-line@gridware
- research-developer
- sarah-peacockHouston, TX
- springtian1982
- tegorman13Indiana University
- textreme
- thesofakillersUniversity of Amsterdam
- Thomasevano@ecolehetic @1024pix
- Viper444Pacific Northwest
- vratclarkson