
Project Catalyst reports for my Community editor role on the Cardano Improvement Proposals team.

See current funded project: Fund 10: Community CIP Editor: 1 year budget (continued)

For an overview of the CIP process in my own words & based on my own experiences, see this Medium article series (2023-08):

  1. Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIPs) — Introduction from an Insider
  2. Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIPs) — Benefits & Goals
  3. Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIPs) — Challenges: Past, Present & Future

Brief introduction to CIPs & the author's role as CIP Editor: https://cosd.com/cardano

Initially funded Catalyst project: Fund 9: Community CIP Editor: 1 year budget

... and video after this first year of funding (Q4 2022 through Q3 2023):

video titled community CIP editing 1 year budget