
A simple Node.js express app

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The main purpose of this repository is to show a simple Node.js express REST API application written with TypeScript. Backend utilizes MongoDB as noSQL database for movie collection, users and comments data.


  • user authentication via JSON Web Tokens,
  • submiting movies by title and fetching additional data from an external API,
  • posting comments,
  • getting paginated movies and comments.


  • Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/robertpiosik/express-movies-app.git

  • Install dependencies

cd express-movies-app && npm i

  • Configure environment variables

DATABASE_CONNECTION="mongodb server connection string"
  • Run tests

npm run test

  • Build and run

npm run build && npm start

REST API Reference

POST /api/v1/auth/signup

Example request body:

	"email": "robert@piosik.com",
	"password": "q{UHh^)9@<qBJJ3!"

Example success response:

	"name": "Success",
	"message": "User registered successfully.",
	"data": {
		"id": "5d6aa7eb769f07c74135f9ed"

POST /api/v1/auth/login

Example request body:

	"email": "robert@piosik.com",
	"password": "q{UHh^)9@<qBJJ3!"

Example success response:

	"name": "Success",
	"message": "User authenticated successfully.",
	"data": {
		"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjVkNjliOGU5NWE1YmY1NzgyYmJkNjFkYiIsImlhdCI6MTU2NzI3MDk1OCwiZXhwIjoxNTY3NDQzNzU4fQ.EtkVcg1uFgH0lqj4Ng5QTsQ6K0ALVAIWkclitSR9X0c",
		"expiresAt": 1567443758

POST /api/v1/auth/refresh-token

Authenticate yourself with Bearer Token.

Example success response:

    "name": "Success",
    "message": "Token prolonged successfully.",
    "data": {
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI1ZDgwMDczMTBiNTgwNzc3YzQwNDZjMzgiLCJpYXQiOjE1Njg2NzQ5ODksImV4cCI6MTU2ODg0Nzc4OX0.C0m_xbV-GRgSr1qLzMZ9gX2auavxbQaLtZSb97lunO0",
        "expiresAt": 1568847789

POST /api/v1/movies

Authenticate yourself with Bearer Token.

Example request body:

	"title": "Interstellar"

Example success response:

  "name": "Success",
  "message": "Movie has been added successfully.",
  "data": {
    "comments": [],
    "_id": "5d6b8de7e9087b29d7c088a4",
    "title": "Interstellar",
    "creator": "5d69b8e95a5bf5782bbd61db",
    "fetchedMovieData": {
      "Title": "Interstellar",
      "Year": "2014",
      "Rated": "PG-13",
      "Released": "07 Nov 2014",
      "Runtime": "169 min",
      "Genre": "Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi",
      "Director": "Christopher Nolan",
      "Writer": "Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan",
      "Actors": "Ellen Burstyn, Matthew McConaughey, Mackenzie Foy, John Lithgow",
      "Plot": "A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival.",
      "Language": "English",
      "Country": "USA, UK, Canada",
      "Awards": "Won 1 Oscar. Another 43 wins & 143 nominations.",
      "Poster": "https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjdkOTU3MDktN2IxOS00OGEyLWFmMjktY2FiMmZkNWIyODZiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTMxODk2OTU@._V1_SX300.jpg",
      "Ratings": [
          "Source": "Internet Movie Database",
          "Value": "8.6/10"
          "Source": "Rotten Tomatoes",
          "Value": "72%"
          "Source": "Metacritic",
          "Value": "74/100"
      "Metascore": "74",
      "imdbRating": "8.6",
      "imdbVotes": "1,323,520",
      "imdbID": "tt0816692",
      "Type": "movie",
      "DVD": "31 Mar 2015",
      "BoxOffice": "$158,737,441",
      "Production": "Paramount Pictures",
      "Website": "http://www.InterstellarMovie.com/",
      "Response": "True"
    "createdAt": "2019-09-01T09:22:47.082Z",
    "updatedAt": "2019-09-01T09:22:47.082Z",
    "__v": 0

GET /api/v1/movies

Parameter Type Description
page integer Current page of the collection. Default is 1.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in a result set. Default is 2.

Example success response:

  "name": "Success",
  "data": {
    "total": 7,
    "movies": [
        "comments": [
            "_id": "5d6d1705aa33b22dce57f872",
            "creator": {
              "_id": "5d69b8e95a5bf5782bbd61db",
              "email": "robert@piosik.com"
            "content": "Lorem ipsum.",
            "createdAt": "2019-09-02T13:20:05.387Z",
            "updatedAt": "2019-09-02T13:20:05.387Z"
            "_id": "5d6d1733aa33b22dce57f873",
            "creator": {
              "_id": "5d69b8e95a5bf5782bbd61db",
              "email": "robert@piosik.com"
            "content": "Lorem ipsum.",
            "createdAt": "2019-09-02T13:20:51.815Z",
            "updatedAt": "2019-09-02T13:20:51.815Z"
        "_id": "5d6cdaa67d47610e1144ba3f",
        "title": "Green Book",
        "creator": "5d69b8e95a5bf5782bbd61db",
        "fetchedMovieData": {
          "Title": "Green Book",
          "Year": "2018"
        "createdAt": "2019-09-02T09:02:30.937Z",
        "updatedAt": "2019-09-02T09:02:30.937Z",
        "__v": 0

POST /api/v1/comments

Authenticate yourself with Bearer Token.

Example request body:

	"movieId": "5d6b8de7e9087b29d7c088a4",
	"content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Example success response:

	"name": "Success",
	"data": {
		"_id": "5d6d1e9755fb1c3315d854bf",
		"creator": "5d69b8e95a5bf5782bbd61db",
		"movieId": "5d6b8de7e9087b29d7c088a4",
		"content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
		"createdAt": "2019-09-02T13:52:23.259Z",
		"updatedAt": "2019-09-02T13:52:23.259Z",
		"__v": 0

GET /api/v1/comments

Parameter Type Description
page integer Current page of the collection. Default is 1.
per_page integer Maximum number of items to be returned in a result set. Default is 2.

Example success response:

        "content":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nec pellentesque lorem, sed varius tellus. Phasellus pretium tortor vel porta sodales. Proin a ornare nisi, non lobortis urna. Aliquam vulputate quam ac congue pulvinar. Praesent aliquet egestas felis id vulputate. Pellentesque consectetur lorem nisl. Vivamus gravida fringilla interdum.",
        "content":"Proin a ornare nisi, non lobortis urna. Aliquam vulputate quam ac congue pulvinar. Praesent aliquet egestas felis id vulputate. Pellentesque consectetur lorem nisl. Vivamus gravida fringilla interdum.",