
Manage an overlay repository of RPMs from upstream git

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Manage an overlay repository of RPMs from upstream git.

Running unit tests

$ python3 -m unittest discover tests/



$ sudo dnf copr enable rpmsoftwaremanagement/rpm-gitoverlay
$ sudo dnf install rpm-gitoverlay


  1. Create overlay.yml file (see reference below)
  2. Build: Every option is self-discoverable, just run rpm-gitoverlay --help

overlay.yml refenrece

Top-level parameters:

Parameter Required Type Comments
aliases no list List of aliases, same as url.<base>.insteadOf in git
chroot yes str Chroot name (will be used for building RPMs
components yes list List of component and settings to build in overlay

aliases structure:

Parameter Required Type Comments
name yes str Prefix
url yes str URL

components structure:

Parameter Required Type Comments
name yes str Name of component (e.g. libsolv)
git no dict Settings for upstream git repository
distgit no dict Settings for distro/RPM specific git repository

You must set one or both from git/distgit.

  • If you set only git: it will use <name>.spec from top directory of git repo and make archive from git repo
  • If you set only distgit: it will rebuild component from distgit
  • If you set both git and distgit: it will use <name>.spec from distgit and make archive from git repo

git structure:

Parameter Required Type Comments
src yes str URL to git repo (can use aliases set above)
freeze no str Commit to freeze repo on
branch no str Branch to freeze repo on
latest-tag no bool Find latest tag from used branch and use it
spec-path no str Path to spec file (relative from top-dir)
  1. freeze or branch can be used at the same time
  2. freeze or latest-tag can be used at the same time

In case latest-tag is True and there are no git tags in used branch - exception will be raised.

distgit structure:

Parameter Required Type Comments
patches no str What to do with patches: keep (default), drop
type no str What type of distgit it is?: auto (default), dist-git, git-lfs, git

Plus all parameters from git structure except latest-tag and spec-path.

overlay.yml example

  - name: github
    url: https://github.com/
  - name: fedorapkgs
    url: git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/rpms/

chroot: fedora-24-x86_64

  - name: libsolv
      src: github:openSUSE/libsolv.git
      src: fedorapkgs:libsolv.git

  - name: libhif
      src: github:rpm-software-management/libhif.git