
Overleaf community does not have trackchanges. A hack to generate a page for that.

Primary LanguagePython


Overleaf community does not have trackchanges. A hack to generate a page for that.

To make it working:

  1. Add a docker volume to communicate between the container and the host
    • nano overleaf-toolkit/lib/docker-compose.nginx.yml
    • Add to volumes a correspondance: - /hostdir:/containerdir
    • Naturally, you must create the corresponding directories.
  2. Modify nginx to serve your static page
    • nano overleaf-toolkit/config/nginx/nginx.conf
    • location /diff { alias /containerdir; autoindex on; }
  3. You may want to add a button for your changes in ./services/web/app/views/layout/navbar.pug
  4. Refresh your trackchanges by running the script (available in this repository) or adding it to sudo crontab -e. (Pipe the results to /hostdir/index.html