
Simple Operator Spotlight Effect for Olark LiveChat API.


## Spotlight Extension for Olark

### Description

The Spotlight Extension is a tool for operators to "Spotlight" an element on 
the users browser.  It handles Scrolling to the DOM element and pulses the element itself. 
All JS and Styling are contained within the olark-spotlight.js file to allow for easy "drop-in".

### Requirments
  1. jQuery 1.3.2 and up

### Getting Started

  1. download the source code for this project
  2. open `conf/common.js` and set `conf.system.olark_key` to your own Olark Key (available in your [dashboard](http://www.olark.com/dashboard))
  3. open `tests/index.html` in your browser

If you are testing in Safari, you will need to run the local server to make cookies work properly:

    $ bin/olark-devserver

Then you can access demo.html from [http://localhost:9090/tests/demo.html](http://localhost:9090/tests/demo.html)

### Configuring your HTML

	For Spotlight to work you must have "olark-spotlight" clases on your site. 
	These classes must then inturn have a uniqueID, this can be number or a phrase (Phrase lowers the learning curve for your operators)
	<h2 class = 'olark-spotlight' id="title" >Olark Spotlight Effect Demonstration from BurningPony.com</h2>

	There can be an unlimted number of these classes on your page. 
### Using

	!spot - Provides a list of avaiable elements that an operator can highlight. 
	!spot uniqueID - will scroll user to #uniqueID element and pulse the opacity of the #uniqueID element.
### Files

  * **conf/common.js**: common configuration for testing
  * **lib/javascript/olark-spotlight.js**: the full HelloWorld extension
  * **tests/index.html**: sample landing page with the Olark chatbox + Spotlight extension
  * **bin/olark-devserver**: local server for developing in certain browsers (like Safari)

### License

Olark-Spotlight is distributed under the MIT License