
Backbone w/ Rails conventions, docs, and testing

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


Gem Version Build Status

A clone of codebrew/backbone-rails with updated Backbone, Underscore, and jquery-rails versions.

Provides Backbone & Underscore files and modifies Backbone to:

  • include the Rails authenticity token in HTTP requests
  • nest model attributes within the declared   paramRoot  , EG,
var Book = Backbone.Model.extend({ 
  url: '/books',
  paramRoot: 'book'

var book_instance = new Book({ 
  title:  'the illiad', 
  author: 'homer'


This will cause the resulting HTTP POST to be,

Started POST "/books" for ...
  Processing by BooksController#create as JSON
  Parameters: { "book" => {  "title" => "the illiad",  "author" => "homer", "id" => 1 } }

Example App




  • Backbone 1.1.0
  • Underscore 1.5.2


  • Backbone 1.0.0
  • Underscore 1.5.1

Rails Setup


Add this line to Gemfile,

gem 'railsy_backbone'

And then,

$ bundle install
$ rails g backbone:install

This requires Backbone, Underscore, and the Backbone modifications to implement the Rails authenticity token and nesting model attributes in the paramsRoot (see Javscript files with the railsy_backbone. prefix for details).

These will be added to your app/assets/javascripts/application.js:

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require underscore
//= require backbone
//= require railsy_backbone.sync
//= require railsy_backbone.datalink
//= require backbone/<your_rails_application_name>
//= require_tree .


Backbone Model $ rails g backbone:model
Backbone Router $ rails g backbone:router
Backbone Scaffold $ rails g backbone:scaffold

Example Usage

Create new rails app,

rails new library
cd library

Install railsy_backbone,

# add railsy_backbone to Gemfile
bundle install
rails g backbone:install

Generate a standard Rails scaffold,

rails g scaffold Book title:string author:string
rake db:migrate

Generate a Backbone scaffold,

rails g backbone:scaffold Book title:string author:string

Edit books/index.html to execute actions through the Backbone scaffold UI rather than routing to different pages.

If you're using ERB, index.html.erb

<div id="books"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {
    window.router = new Library.Routers.BooksRouter({books: <%= @books.to_json.html_safe -%>});

Or HAML, index.html.haml


  $(function() {
    window.router = new Library.Routers.BooksRouter({books: #{@books.to_json.html_safe}});

If you're using the default Rails 4 scaffold generators, you'll need to adjust the default JSON show view (IE, show.json) to render the id attribute.

# BROKEN -- default rails generated show.json.jbuilder
json.extract! @book, :title, :author, :created_at, :updated_at

# FIXED --- after adding `id`
json.extract! @book, :id, :title, :author, :created_at, :updated_at

Without adjusting the JSON show view, you will be redirected to a "undefined" url after creating an object.


Link to the docs.

I value clear communication (I'm serious!). If you think something is missing in the docs, please open a GitHub issue (create issues here), and I'd love to add it if it makes sense.


These awesome people infused their awesome talent in this project.


Inspired by and copied from Ryan Fitzgerald's codebrew/backbone-rails.



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