Experimental physicist (read: geek!) searching for ultrahigh-energy neutrinos in Antarctica with Python, Julia and C++.
Honolulu, HI
rprechelt's Followers
- astrogewgawNational Centre for Radio Astrophysics
- azeollaPennsylvania State University
- baskinomicsDexter's Laboratory
- catherinemorescoUnited States
- cozzydUniversity of Chicago
- jakari266
- kpmccBirmingham
- MatthiasJReisingerVienna, Austria
- mhandersBoston, MA
- Mirza14IBM
- MoelfCambridge, MA
- nabaskes
- OneSkyknight
- ospardo
- rfdickerson@babylonhealth
- swissel
- wabscale@AnubisLMS | @VolaDynamics | @OsirisLab
- ZackAshMUniversity of Chicago / Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics