###Meet the O.O.G.G.s The O.O.G.Gs are the Object Oriented Garden Gnomes. You don't want to mess with them, because they're the meanest, toughest, gnomiest gnomes in town.

We're going to build a Garden Gnome class so that we can make individual instances of Garden Gnomes that can terrorize front lawns around the neighborhood. Open the file garden_gnome.rb and follow these instructions.


  1. Create a class called GardenGnome.
  2. Garden gnomes have names. Add a reader and a writer method for name.
  3. Garden gnomes also have ages (They can live to 4000 years, in fact). Add a reader and a writer method for age.
  4. Little gnome fact: Some garden gnomes are allergic to gluten. Create an attribute gluten_allergy using a reader and writer method.
  5. Everyone gnows that that gnomes are all born evil. As such, create an initialize method which sets @personality = "evil" Create a reader for the personality attribute (but no writer, because once an evil gnome, always an evil gnome).
  6. Add an argument to your initialize method called hat_color and then use the argument inside the initialize method to set a gnome's hat color at the moment that it is created (using .new). If the user doesn't give a hat color in the argument, it should default to 'red'. Create a hat_color reader and writer to access this attribute.
  7. Gnomes can take many evil actions. One of them is destroying the trees in a garden by chewing them up. Create a method gnaw that, when called, returns the value of "Gnawing on a tree!!!"
  8. Create another action method called shout that returns the value of "GNARLY!!!" when called.
  9. Create an action called introduce_self that returns the value of "Hello humans, my name is _________, I am _____ years old, and you'll rue the day you crossed me!". Blanks should be filled in with the gnome's name and age.

Getting More In The Gnome

Once you've gotten all the learn tests to pass, practice creating instances of the GardenGnome class by following these instructions:

  1. Create a new instance of the GardenGnome class and assign it to the variable gnome1.
  2. Create another instance of GardenGnome and set it's name to "Walter the Worst".
  3. Create another instance of GardenGnome and set it's name to "James the Jerk" and its age to 3421.
  4. Create another instance of GardenGnome and set it's name to "Alfed the Abhorrent" and its age to 579. Set its gluten_allergy attribute to true. (Alfred has terrible allergies.)

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