
Populate MongoDB with dummy collections for testing

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Populate MongoDB with dummy collections for testing

NPM version

Elevator pitch

mongo-fixtures will read JSON documents from disk, and use them to quickly populate a MongoDB database. You can use it to bootstrap a local environment, or to initialise data required for functional tests.

Data sets

The fake data is organised in "datasets", which represent a whole set of consistent data. They are just folders on disk, containing both files and folders:

  • Files will be loaded as an entire collection. They need to export an array of documents
  • Folders are expected to contain one file per document, each exporting a single object.

For example:

   |___ users.coffee
   |___ history.coffee
   |___ products
            |___ phone.coffee
            |___ guitar.coffee   

Why coffee?

Maybe a personal preference, but it:

  • looks nicer than JSON
  • has better syntax highlighting
  • supports comments
  • can use actual data types without fishy post-processing
  • can use helpers & extracted methods
	# valid user without an address
    _id: ObjectID('fffffffffffffff000000001')
    name: 'John Doe'
    memberSince: new Date('28 Mar 2013')


The config file has 2 main sections. (see the examples folder for an config file you can copy).

  • The data sets that can be loaded. These are just paths to a folder containing all the collections.
        bootstrap: "#{__dirname}/dataset1"
        functests: "#{__dirname}/dataset2"
  • The environments they can be loaded into. For each environment, you must specify which collections from the datasets will be loaded. For example, maybe you never want to load users into dev.
            database: (user, pass) -> 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mystore'
            collections: ['users', 'products', 'history']
            database: (user, pass) -> "mongodb://#{user}:#{password}@alex.mongohq.com:10023/mystore"
            collections: ['products']

Let's go

Just npm install mongo-fixtures!

Automated mode

Great for build scripts

fixtures = require 'mongo-fixtures'

options =
    dataset: 'bootstrap'
    env: 'local'
    username: null
    password: null

fixtures(config).load options, finish

Interactive mode

Will prompt you for all required values

fixtures = require 'mongo-fixtures'
fixtures(config).interactive finish

A sample callback would be:

finish = (err, res) ->
    if err
        console.log err
        process.exit 1
        console.log res
        process.exit 0