This project created for collecting and parsing logs
$ python sdist
$ virtualenv --clear venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -U pip
$ pip install py_log_parser-<version>.tar.gz
$ pip install git+git://<version>
You should have needed authentication for servers that will be processed.
Base parameters:
py-log-parser [-h] [--ssh-login SSH_LOGIN]
[--ssh-password SSH_PASSWORD]
[--private-key-path PRIVATE_KEY_PATH] [--host-keys-check]
[--tb-ex-stats] [--tb-ex-strip-space]
[--re-ex-regexp RE_EX_REGEXP]
{mos} ...
positional arguments:
{mos} Different workflows
mos Commands for parsing logs with MOS workflow
optional arguments:
--ssh-login SSH_LOGIN
Ssh client login
--ssh-password SSH_PASSWORD
Ssh client password (not used in case of auth by key)
--private-key-path PRIVATE_KEY_PATH
Ssh client private key path
--host-keys-check Enable strict checking of known hosts on ssh
--tb-ex-stats Collect tracebacks statistic or not
--tb-ex-strip-space Strip timestamp in tracebacks or leave it
Logging level to extract logging messages
--re-ex-regexp RE_EX_REGEXP
Regexp for regular expressions extractor
Logging level to output messages
Mos workflow usage:
usage: py-log-parser mos [-h] [--working-dir WORKING_DIR]
[--init-dir-path INIT_DIR_PATH]
[--final-dir-path FINAL_DIR_PATH]
[--stripped-dir-path STRIPPED_DIR_PATH]
[--parse-input-dir-path PARSE_INPUT_DIR_PATH]
[--parse-output-dir-path PARSE_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH]
[--remote-collect-path REMOTE_COLLECT_PATH]
{collect,analyze,clean,init} ...
positional arguments:
Commands for MOS workflow
optional arguments:
--working-dir WORKING_DIR
Working directory to work with log files
--init-dir-path INIT_DIR_PATH
Directory where files will be placed on <init> command
--final-dir-path FINAL_DIR_PATH
Directory where files will be placed on <collect>
--stripped-dir-path STRIPPED_DIR_PATH
Directory where stripped log files will be placed for
--parse-input-dir-path PARSE_INPUT_DIR_PATH
Directory where all input log files will be placed
--parse-output-dir-path PARSE_OUTPUT_DIR_PATH
Directory where all resulting output files will be
--remote-collect-path REMOTE_COLLECT_PATH
Directory on remote host that will be downloaded for
Base MOS workflow commands usage:
usage: py-log-parser mos clean [-h] {all,input,collect}
positional arguments:
{all,input,collect} Directory to clear
usage: py-log-parser mos init [-h] <hostname or IP>
positional arguments:
<hostname or IP> Server to collect logs from
usage: py-log-parser mos collect [-h] <hostname or IP>
positional arguments:
<hostname or IP> Server to collect logs from
usage: py-log-parser mos analyze [-h] [--catalog-name CATALOG_NAME]
<extractor> [<extractor> ...]
positional arguments:
<extractor> Extractors to process log files, may be any of
['regexp', 'tracebacks', 'logging']
optional arguments:
--catalog-name CATALOG_NAME
Extracted files catalog file name
Usage example:
- Clean input directory to remove not relevant logs, but not results of previous analysis sessions:
$ py-log-parser mos clean input
- Collect logs after deployment but before running tests:
$ py-log-parser mos init <some 1st server>
$ py-log-parser mos init <some 2nd server>
... and so on
- Collect logs after running tests:
$ py-log-parser mos collect <some 1st server>
$ py-log-parser mos collect <some 2nd server>
... and so on
- Run log analysis:
$ py-log-parser mos analyze tracebacks logging
After running last command there will be created output folder with parsed data.