Guidelines for running PICRUSt with mothur biom output
Tested with mothur v1.37
Reclassified otu taxonomy using greengenes:
Shared file:
Reference taxonomy downloaded from mothur website (both 13_8 and 13_5 will work with PICRUSt):
Mapping file (gg IDs) is retrieved from PICRUSt website:
#Create mothur biom file
First make biom file in mothur.
make.biom(, label=0.03,,, picrust=97_otu_map.txt)
Check if the biom is one of the correct version (mothur will produce one of 0.9.1 while you need 1.0.0).
biom validate-table -i
Invalid format 'Biological Observation Matrix 0.9.1', must be '1.0.0'
Timestamp does not appear to be ISO 8601
The input file is not a valid BIOM-formatted file.
Code requires biom 2.x.x or higher (this is standard version, to check version: biom show-install-info):
biom convert --table-type="OTU table" -i -o your_OTU_table.txt --to-tsv --header-key taxonomy
biom convert -i your_OTU_table.txt -o your_OTU_table.biom --table-type="OTU table" --to-json --process-obs-metadata taxonomy
Check again for correct version.
biom validate-table -i your_OTU_table.biom
Run the PICRUSt command for copy number normalization of the OTU table. Code requires biom 1.3.1 (contact administrator (FM) to quickly change version, PICRUSt runs on biom 1.3.1): -i your_OTU_table.biom -o normalized_otus.biom
Convert the output biom file to a standard OTU table file. Code requires biom 2.x.x (contact administrator to quickly change version back to 2.x, format your normalized biom file to a readable table format):
biom convert --table-type="OTU table" -i normalized_otus.biom -o normalized_otus_table.txt --header-key taxonomy --to-tsv
biom convert -i normalized_otus.biom -o normalized_otus_table.txt --table-type "otu table"
Checking whether your OTUs are closely matching with exisisting reference genomes. NSTI scores are explained here: NSTI scores are provided in the file nsti.txt (you have to create a blank .txt file for this). In general <0.03 is good. -f -i normalized_otus.biom -o predicted_metagenomes.txt -a nsti.txt