layout | ||||||||||||||||
The design is inspired by samber/lo and iterator proposal.
Root package
provides common slice and functional utilities:
Name | In | Out | Description |
Map |
func(T) R | func(T, int) R | ||
...T | |||
Apply function to all elements and get slice with results | |||
Filter |
func(T) bool | func(T, int) bool | ||
...T | |||
Filter slice elements using given predicate | |||
FilterMap |
func(T) (R, bool) | func(T, int) (R, bool) | ||
...T | |||
Transform each element, leaving only those for which true is returned |
func MapDict[T comparable, R any](collection []T, dict map[T]R) []R
func MapErr[R, T any, E interface {
}, FE interface {
func(T) (R, E) | func(T, int) (R, E)
}](f FE, slice ...T) ([]R, E)
func Deref[T any](ptr *T) T
func MapToSlice[K comparable, V, R any](dict map[K]V, f func(K, V) R) []R
func MapFilterToSlice[K comparable, V, R any](dict map[K]V, f func(K, V) (R, bool)) []R
func Keys[K comparable, V any](dict map[K]V) []K
func Values[K comparable, V any](dict map[K]V) []V
// FindKeyBy returns the key of the first element predicate returns truthy for.
func FindKeyBy[K comparable, V any](dict map[K]V, predicate func(K, V) bool) (K, bool)
// Uniq returns unique values of slice.
func Uniq[T comparable](collection ...T) []T
// Index returns first found element by predicate along with it's index
func Index[T comparable](find func(T) bool, slice ...T) (T, int, bool)
// Contains returns true if an element is present in a collection.
func Contains[T comparable](needle T, slice ...T) bool
// SliceToMap returns a map containing key-value pairs provided by transform function applied to elements of the given slice.
// If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.
// The order of keys in returned map is not specified and is not guaranteed to be the same from the original array.
func SliceToMap[K comparable, V, T any, F interface {
func(T) (K, V) | func(T, int) (K, V)
}](f F, slice ...T) map[K]V
// FromMap makes slice of key/value pairs from map.
func FromMap[A comparable, B any](kv map[A]B) []Pair[A, B]
// Copy slice
func Copy[T any](slice []T) []T
// ReverseInplace reverses slice in place.
func ReverseInplace[A any](xs []A)
// Subslice returns slice from start to end without panicking on out of bounds
func Subslice[T any](start, end int, slice ...T) []T
// Chunk divides slice into chunks of size chunkSize
func Chunk[T any](chunkSize int, slice ...T) [][]T
// ConcatMap is like Map but concatenates results
func ConcatMap[T, R any](f func(T) []R, slice ...T) []R
// All returns true if all elements satisfy the condition
func All[T any](condition func(T) bool, slice ...T) bool
// Any returns true if any element satisfies the condition
func Any[T any](condition func(T) bool, slice ...T) bool
// SortBy sorts slice in place by given function
func SortBy[T any, R cmp.Ordered](by func(T) R, slice ...T)
// GroupBy groups elements by key
func GroupBy[T any, K comparable](by func(T) K, slice ...T) map[K][]T
// Min returns the minimum of the given values
func Min[T cmp.Ordered](xs ...T) T
// Max returns the maximum of the given values
func Max[T cmp.Ordered](xs ...T) T
// Clamp returns x clamped between low and high
func Clamp[T cmp.Ordered](x, low, high T) T
// MinBy returns the minimum of the given values using the given order function
func MinBy[T any, R cmp.Ordered](order func(T) R, xs ...T) T
// MaxBy returns the maximum of the given values using the given order function
func MaxBy[T any, R cmp.Ordered](order func(T) R, xs ...T) T
// Option is either value or nothing.
type Option[T any] struct {
Value T
Valid bool
func Invalid[T any]() Option[T] {
return Option[T]{}
func Valid[T any](t T) Option[T] {
return Option[T]{
Value: t,
Valid: true,
func Optional[T any](value T, valid bool) Option[T]
func (o Option[T]) Unpack() (T, bool)
func (o Option[T]) Or(other Option[T]) Option[T]
func (o Option[T]) OrDefault(value T) T
func FromPtr[T any](ptr *T) Option[T]
func (opt Option[T]) Ptr() *T
func OptMap[I, O any](o Option[I], f func(I) O) Option[O]
func OptFlatMap[I, O any](o Option[I], f func(I) Option[O]) Option[O]
// Pair is a data structure that has two values.
type Pair[K, V any] struct {K K; V V}
func Zero[T any]() T
// ToString converts the value to string.
func ToString[A any](a A) string {
// DebugP returns function that prints prefix with element and returns it.
// Useful for debug printing.
func DebugP[V any](prefix string) func(V) V
// Debug returns function that prints element and returns it.
// Useful for debug printing.
func Debug[V any](v V) V
func Has[K comparable, V any](dict map[K]V, key K) bool
func Cond[R any](defaultValue R, cases ...func() (R, bool)) R
func Ptr[T any](t T) *T
func Pipe[T any](t T, endos ...func(T) T) T
func IF[T any](predicate bool, ifTrue, ifFalse T) T
func If[T any](predicate bool, value T) ifElse[T]
func IfF[T any](predicate bool, value func() T) ifElse[T]
func (i ifElse[T]) ElseIf(predicate bool, value T) ifElse[T]
func (i ifElse[T]) ElseIfF(predicate bool, value func() T) ifElse[T]
func (i ifElse[T]) Else(value T) T
func (i ifElse[T]) ElseF(value func() T) T
func (i ifElse[T]) ElseDeref(value *T) T
// Switch is a pure functional switch/case/default statement.
func Switch[R any, T comparable](predicate T, defVal R) *switchCase[T, R]
// SwitchZero is a pure functional switch/case/default statement with default
// zero value.
func SwitchZero[R any, T comparable](predicate T) *switchCase[T, R]
func (s *switchCase[T, R]) Case(val T, result R) *switchCase[T, R]
func (s *switchCase[T, R]) End() R
introduces iterator primitives from which Seq[T]
is basic:
type Seq[V any] func(yield func(V) bool) bool
Which is a function which accepts function to yield
values from iteration. yield
must return false
when iteration must stop (analogous to break
). Iterator function returns true
if it yielded all values and no break
happened, or false
Example iterator yielding numbers from 1 to n
, including n
func Range(n int) iter.Seq[int] {
return func(yield func(int) bool) bool {
for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
if !yield(i) {
return false
return true
introduces Set[T]
primitive for collections of unique comparable