PyTorch implementation of the Delete, Retrieve Generate style transfer algorithm
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How to show the example outputs?
#34 opened by wasedaward - 4
preds file has many meaningless tokens.
#22 opened by 27182812 - 4
I replace the ‘delete‘ with ’seq2seq‘ in the config yelp_config.json, and then I meet RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for SeqModel, can you help me?
#32 opened by wasedaward - 1
I replace the delete with sq2sq in the config yelp_config.json, and then I meet errors, so I need modify train.py when I change the model_type?
#31 opened by wasedaward - 7
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why the deleteonly and the delete_retrieve mode get the same inference result
#27 opened by zhunipingan - 4
delete_retrieve taking long time + the BLEU scores different from the paper
#26 opened by naveen-kinnal - 3
Getting an index out of bound error
#25 opened by naveen-kinnal - 1
Any Licensing terms?
#23 opened by bouqatab - 7
Training issue with another dataset
#20 opened by zhendong3wang - 2
Some confusion
#19 opened by tuhinjubcse - 1
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Inference Mode
#17 opened by abhinavkashyap - 2
can you help me. how to use gpu?
#16 opened by zhunipingan - 2
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Meaning of WPS
#14 opened by lzzhaha - 1
src and tgt in data preparation?
#13 opened by kkenealy - 3
Only works for parallel sentences
#12 opened by TanmayParekh - 2
CUDA out of memory
#10 opened by czhxiaohuihui - 2
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How to select sentences from candidates?
#8 opened by wusj18 - 1
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Question about producing attribute vocab
#6 opened by wusj18 - 1
what's the meaning of salience ratio?
#5 opened by wusj18 - 1
yelp_config.json should contain "data" as key by default instead of "paper_data"
#3 opened by c0dzilla - 1
No 'utils'
#2 opened by oncebasun - 1
The bleu metric value is always 0
#1 opened by Enihsuns