

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Notes from the article series

  • Webpack:

    • modular bundler that takes all these files and modules, processes them
    • makes them available in away that can be run in any browser.
  • Module:

    • typescript/es6 features
    • encapsulate, group, reuse, distribute and load code in JavaScript
    • export functionality to export functions
  • Component:

    • core building block of angular applications
    • reusable
    • self contained and has template(html), html element(selector) and variable(export class)
  • Decorator: like a attribute in C# or Java

    • like a function that is applied to whatever it decorates.
  • structural directive:

    • directive that is going to effect the DOM in some way adding or removing elements to it.
    • example: *ngFor -asterisk before directive denotes structural directive
  • Angular service:

    • a class that encapsulates some sort of functionality and provides it as service for the rest of your application.
  • OnInit():

    • lifecycle hook
    • instead of creating files when component is constructor, we can delay getting data until it is initiated.
  • how do you inject stuff in a service?

    • same way as injecting components, by injecting the dependency in the constructor and registering in the providers property of the root component.
    • also we need to decorate the service with the Injectable decorator. Why don’t we use the Injectable decorator in components?
    • because the Component decorator enables dependency injection directly. interpolation binding
    • provides one way data binding from component to the template to display data.
    • example: class { title: 'app works' }, in .html {{title}} event binding
    • one way data binding between the template and underlying component
    • (click)="selectPerson(person)" property binding
    • <app-child-component [childVariable]="parentVariable"> </app-child-component>
  • @Input() decorator

    • makes a variable/property as an input to the Component, and will allow other components to sent variable into the component.
  • Routing in angular

    • route the user to different component based on the url that was typed in the browser, or that you direct them to through a link.
    • configure by:
      • Routes array with collection of routes
      • RouterModule export that provides the router configuration to the rest of the application.
    • <router-outlet>: lets you define where to load routed views!
    • ActivatedRoute: helps to get access to route parameter from URL.
  • #name template local variable

    • to keep DOM element elated references and logic out of component code.
    • references the DOM element itself
    • <input type="text" name="name" [(ngModel)]="person.name" #name>
  • Angular 2+ data-bindings

    • Interpolation:
      • component => template.
      • to display information from the component into the template.
      • {{person.name}}
    • Property bindings:
      • to bind data from component => template.
      • to bind component data to DOM element properties.
      • <img [src]="person.imageUrl">
    • Event bindings:
      • template => component.
      • to bind template events to the component.
      • to execute arbitrary code as a response to an interaction between the user and the user interface of your application.
      • [click)="selectPerson(person)"
    • [(ngModel)]
      • Two-way data binding
      • syncs data both ways from the component to the template and back.
      • typically use it within form inputs.
      • [(ngModel)]="person.name"
  • Validation in Angular

    • supports HTML5 validation constraints.
    • ngModel directive keep tracks of class and values of DOM
    • assign ngModel to local template variable, #localTemplateVariableName, to pass all ngModel values to it.
      Creating custom directive for validation
    • ng generate directive max-validator
    • change the name for the selector
    • import AbstractControl, Validator, ValidationErrors from angular/forms
    • implement Validator, so we get validate method. e.g validate(control: AbstractControl): ValidationErrors
    • register validation to Module DI by NG_VALIDATORS in @directive decoration under providers
  • Submit Form

    • assign ngForm to local template variable
    • to disable submit button if form is not valid
      • attribute [disabled]="!personForm.form.valid"
  • ngModel

    • ngModel lets you track the state and validity of your inputs
    • ngModel adds CSS classes to your inputs based on their state, whether they have been touched, changed or whether they are valid or not.
    • Using #name="ngModel" in an input element creates a local template variable called #name and assigns the ngModel directive to it. You can then use the variable to access the ngModel directive properties like valid, pristine, touched, dirty, etc.
  • Enabling the HTTP Module in app

     	import { Http, Response } from '@angular/http';
     	Http: to make get, post ,put requests
     	Response: is response from http service
     	import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
     	to use async pattern, replacement of promise
     	import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
     	importing map operator which helps to transfomrs items into something our app understands!
  • ERROR Handling with Observables

    • service level error deals with http requests errors and later converted into application error

    •   import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';
        import 'rxjs/add/operator/throw';
      • catch: to handle errors in the stream, allows us to intercept errors within the stream
      • throw: let's us push a new error upwards to our application
    • .subscribe(<happyFunction>, [<errorHandleFunction>], [<onCompleteFunction>])