rr-codes's Following
- aaronpearce@pearcemedia
- AkinADToronto ON
- andrewhulinNew York
- boek@mozilla
- cambardellOntario
- dahliazhou13
- dcrousso
- donnywalsdonnywals.com
- etiennesegonzac@apple
- GottaGetSwifty
- hex2f@mainly-ai
- hortont424Cupertino, CA
- instantishUnited States of America
- jpaglia
- maneeshapanjaConfident LIMS
- marissamarymNew York
- matthewwalkNumerator
- megangardner
- misscoded@slackhq
- montasaurus
- mSitkovets@Shopify
- onnimikkiYork University
- PBaciu
- pxlcoderApple
- reemalsToronto, Canada
- rosslebeauApple
- saimmehmoodYork University
- Satinder-Sikand
- seratchSlack (@SlackHQ @SlackAPI)
- shaydewael@discord
- Shogri
- stevengillSlack
- theoriginalbitEndgame Global
- twostrawsHacking with Swift
- whsieh@apple
- wolfy1339Quebec, Canada