pelican-cleanurl plugin

A python pelican plugin that creates clean urls for a page-based site.

For instance:

**Filename**                                 **URL**                                 **Output File**
pages/                           ==> /                                    ==> index.html
pages/                           ==> /error.html                          ==> error.html
pages/folder1/                   ==> /folder1                             ==> folder1/index.html
pages/folder1/contents1.html             ==> /folder1/contents1                   ==> folder1/contents1/index.html
pages/folder1/contents2.html             ==> /folder1/contents2                   ==> folder1/contents2/index.html
pages/folder1/folder2/index.html         ==> /folder1/folder2                     ==> folder1/folder2/index.html
pages/folder1/folder2/contents1.html     ==> /folder1/folder2/contents1           ==> folder1/folder2/contents1/index.html
pages/folder1/folder2/contents2.html     ==> /folder1/folder2/contents2           ==> folder1/folder2/contents2/index.html


pip install git+

Simple Usage (tested)

PAGE_URL = '{cleanurl}'
PAGE_SAVE_AS = '{cleanurl_saveas}'
INDEX_SAVE_AS = 'sitemap.html' # Otherwise it will conflict with your own index.html

Sample Dir Structure


This will create a "clean" url structure such as:

/ <-- index.html
/error.html # <-- This is a special page
/file <-- root level file
/folder1 <- folder1/index.html

Other features

I put a bunch of other hooks in the code, but I didn't test them. I'm not going to work on them because I don't know if anyone else other than I will use this repo.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.