
iOS wrapper for Highcharts.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Carthage compatible

Highcharts iOS is a delightful wrapper of HighchartsJS for iOS.

The most popular, robust and battle-tested JavaScript Charting library is now available for iOS with our new Objective-C wrapper. Get gorgeous, multi-touch charts with minimal effort.


Access the full API documentation here.


Here we present how to create basic chart and place it in your project.

What we need to do

  • Prepare your project for Highcharts
  • Create chart view and place it in your view
  • Create chart options and add them to your chart view
  • Run your app and enjoy!

Preparing your project

  • First of all download Highcharts framework from here: Highcharts or by using Cocoapods by adding

    pod 'Highcharts', '~> 6.2.0'

    to your Podfile

    or Carthage by adding

    github "https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts-ios" >= 6.2.0

    to your Cartfile. Please be advised that this is a development framework which contains intel architectures. In order to submit a build to the app store you either need to remove those architectures using lipo, attach the version found in "release" folder manually or use CocoaPods.

  • Now add Highcharts to your project by simply copying it to your project to folder Frameworks (create it if necessary) and remeber to check "Copy items if needed" option

alt text

  • Click on finish

alt text

  • Then go to your project settings and add Highcharts to Embedded Binaries

alt text

  • If your project is leveraging Xcode UI testing, make sure you add the Highcharts framework to Embedded Binaries for the UITests target as well as the main project target

You are now set to use Highcharts!

Please note when linking manually that binary framework in the 'release' directory is designed to allow uploads to the AppStore. Therefore it does not allow running on iOS Simulator. In order to use simulator, download the repository and use framework that can be found in the 'development' directory. Cocoapods solve this problem automatically - they introduce a stripping script for AppStore uploads.

Using Highcharts (demo app)

Set AppDelegate

In your AppDelegate.m import Highcharts at the top

#import <Highcharts/Highcharts.h>

Add this line to your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions

[HIChartView preload];

Add HIChartView to your View Controller

In your View Controller .m file add

#import <Highcharts/Highcharts.h>

Then change

@interface ViewController ()


@interface ViewController ()
@property (strong, nonatomic) HIChartView *chartView;

Creating chart

Let's start with creating simple chart!

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will create a simple column chart using random data.

In viewDidLoad add following lines

self.chartView = [[HIChartView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(self.view.bounds.origin.x, self.view.bounds.origin.y + 20, self.view.bounds.size.width, 300.0f)];

This will create our chartView with defined origin and size.

Done! Now let's create a chart.

The heart of a chart is HIOptions class which contains all the information needed to present it. Some of the options there are optional, some are not (see demo app HighFit provided by Highcharts).

Create instance of HIOptions class

HIOptions *options = [[HIOptions alloc]init];

Now we need to add the options that our chart requires to be presented. Let's start with chart type. To do so, create HIChart class object and set its type to "column"

HIChart *chart = [[HIChart alloc]init];
chart.type = @"column";

Add this object to your options

options.chart = chart;

Then let's give our chart a name (title) and also add it to options

HITitle *title = [[HITitle alloc]init];
title.text = @"Demo chart";

options.title = title;

Now we need to add some data (in this tutorial it will be some random set of numbers). Since we are creating a column chart, we need to use HIColumn data series

HIColumn *series = [[HIColumn alloc]init];

To add data, just create array of our data objects

series.data = @[@49.9, @71.5, @106.4, @129.2, @144, @176, @135.6, @148.5, @216.4, @194.1, @95.6, @54.4];

Since options can store multiple series, we need to add our series as one-element-array

options.series = @[series];

And at last add our options to the chartView

self.chartView.options = options;

Don't forget to add chartView as subview to your View Controller's view! At the end add

[self.view addSubview:self.chartView];

That's it! We are now set to run our application! Your View Controller .m file should look like this

#import "ViewController.h"
#import <Highcharts/Highcharts.h>

@interface ViewController ()
@property (strong, nonatomic) HIChartView *chartView;

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    self.chartView = [[HIChartView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(self.view.bounds.origin.x, self.view.bounds.origin.y + 20, self.view.bounds.size.width, 300.0f)];
    HIOptions *options = [[HIOptions alloc]init];
    HIChart *chart = [[HIChart alloc]init];
    chart.type = @"column";
    options.chart = chart;
    HITitle *title = [[HITitle alloc]init];
    title.text = @"Demo chart";
    options.title = title;
    HIColumn *series = [[HIColumn alloc]init];
    series.data = @[@49.9, @71.5, @106.4, @129.2, @144, @176, @135.6, @148.5, @216.4, @194.1, @95.6, @54.4];
    options.series = @[series];
    self.chartView.options = options;
    [self.view addSubview:self.chartView];


Press "Run" in XCode.

For more complex solutions see demo app HighFit provided by Highcharts or read the following documentation!