Custom SparkML Pipelines

This document includes an example of how to build a custom Estimator and Transformer using the base classes in this package, and how to integrate them with SparkML Pipelines. For information about the SparkML Pipelines concepts and use of existing Estimators and Transformers within the SparkML module, please refer to the Spark ML Pipelines documentation.


pip install -U sparkml-base-classes

Build a custom Transformer

In this section we build a Transformer that adds a constant to a column and updates the column's values in-place.


The arguments set in the __init__ method will be accessible in the _transform method as attributes by adding an underscore prefix to the argument name. In the example below the arguments are column_name and value, and they are available as attributes in the _transform method as self._column_name and self._value.

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark import keyword_only
from sparkml_base_classes import TransformerBaseClass

class AdditionColumnTransformer(TransformerBaseClass):

    def __init__(self, column_name=None, value=None):

    def _transform(self, ddf):"AdditionColumn transform with column {self._column_name}")
        ddf = ddf.withColumn(self._column_name, F.col(self._column_name) + self._value)
        return ddf

Build a custom Estimator

In this section we build an Estimator that normalizes the values of a column by the mean. An Estimator's _fit method must return a Transformer because the use of an Estimator consists of 2 steps:

  1. Fitting the estimator.
    This step consists of using the _fit method to calculate some value(s) from the DataFrame and return a Transformer that stores the calculated value(s) and use them in the _transform method to transform a DataFrame. In this example the Estimator calculates the mean and returns a Transformer that divides the column by this mean value.
  2. Transforming the DataFrame.
    Once the Estimator has been fitted and a Transformer has been returned, then we use the returned Transformer to transform the DataFrame. In this case the Transformer divides the specified column by the mean and returns the transformed DataFrame.


The arguments set in the __init__ method will be accessible in the _transform and _fit methods as attributes by adding an underscore prefix to the argument name. In the example below the arguments are column_name and mean, and they are available as attributes in the _transform and _fit method as self._column_name and self._mean.

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark import keyword_only
from sparkml_base_classes import EstimatorBaseClass, TransformerBaseClass

class MeanNormalizerTransformer(TransformerBaseClass):

    def __init__(self, column_name=None, mean=None):

    def _transform(self, ddf):
        # add your transformation logic here"MeanNormalizer transform")
        ddf = ddf.withColumn(self._column_name, F.col(self._column_name) / self._mean)
        return ddf

class MeanNormalizerEstimator(EstimatorBaseClass):

    def __init__(self, column_name=None):

    def _fit(self, ddf):
        # add your transformation logic here"MeanNormalizer fit")
        mean, = ddf.agg(F.mean(self._column_name)).head()
        return MeanNormalizerTransformer(

Build the Pipeline

In this section we will build a Pipeline containing our custom Transformer and Estimator. We will first initialize both classes and then add them as stages to the Pipeline.


We can also use Transformers and Estimators individually by calling their respective _transform and _fit methods, the advantage of using a Pipeline is to chain them together therefore reducing the code maintenance needed. In addition, it is a good practice to always use them as part of a Pipeline.

from import Pipeline

multiply_column_transformer = AdditionColumnTransformer(column_name="foo", value=2)
mean_normalizer_estimator = MeanNormalizerEstimator(column_name="foo")
my_pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[multiply_column_transformer, mean_normalizer_estimator])

Fit the Pipeline and transform the DataFrame

In this section we will fit the created Pipeline to a DataFrame and then use the fitted Pipeline (or PipelineModel in SparkML terms) to transform a DataFrame. Thus, after a Pipeline’s fit method runs, it produces a PipelineModel, which is a Transformer. This PipelineModel can be later used to transform any DataFrame. Please refer to the Spark ML Pipelines documentation for an in-depth description.


After fitting a Pipeline, the stages containing an Estimator will now contain the Transformer returned in the Estimator's _fit method.


The returned object of fitting a Pipeline is not a Pipeline object but a PipelineModel.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from import Pipeline

spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

ddf = spark.createDataFrame(
    [[1], [2], [3]],

# the returned object is of PipelineModel type
my_fitted_pipeline =

| foo|
| 1.0|

Save and load fitted Pipeline

In the previous section we transformed the DataFrame immediately after fitting the Pipeline, in this section we will use an intermediary saving mechanism that allows us to decouple the fitting of the Pipeline from the transforming of the DataFrame.


It is a good practice to save the Pipeline using the .pipeline extension.


If you are using Spark in an AWS service, like SageMaker, the path to save the model can be an S3 path. This will work out-of-the-box given that the correct permission to read/write to that path are set.

from import PipelineModel
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

ddf = spark.createDataFrame(
    [[8], [10], [12]],
my_fitted_pipeline = PipelineModel.load('my_fitted_pipeline.pipeline')

| foo|
| 2.5|
|   3|
| 3.5|