
Flask Api with periodic scraper using celery beat

Flask api to obtain Amazon product details(title, price, rating). Celery to do asynchronous scraping with the help of celery beat to perform the task periodically.


  1. Created a interactive yet simple UI
  2. Added an efficient flask api & connected it to backend scripts
  3. Backend contain flask script, scraper module, and database module
  4. Database contains a single table called as product who has scrape_date (only date) & asin as unique constraint
  5. The celery app periodically scrape the database. It retrieve all asins from the database. Scrapes it. Inspect if any price of the row for the same product is existing in table is changed, if changed simply it add them as a new row (for different dates). If we are actually scraping the db twice in a single date, and if there is no price, it modify the existing scrape_date with the latest or simply ignore
  6. When user inputs a product from the frontend, if that product does have a history prices, return to them in a separate UI component as shown in above, if that product is not present, scrape it & add it to database for future scrapes

Tech Stack

Python, Flask, requests, Flask-SQLAlchemy, Celery, Redis


  1. Created a celery app to integrate with existing flask app.
  2. Created a task function to perform the scraping.
  3. Added celery beat to periodically call the task function.
  4. If there is a price change db will be updated.


  • Celery will add the task to the message broker(rabbitmq).
  • This task will be assigned to the worker.
  • Celery beat will schedule the task periodically.
  • The perioidic_scraper function will check for price change.
  • If there is a price change then a new row will be added to the db for the same product with updated price.


  • Python 3.7.6
  • Flask 1.1.2
  • Werkzeug 1.0.1
  • lxml 4.6.3
  • requests 2.25.1
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy 2.5.1
  • Celery 5.0.5
  • Redis

Install dependencies of entire tasks at once

Use pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Commands to run

Flask app - type python in the terminal. Celery worker - type celery -A tasks.celery_app worker --pool=solo in the terminal. Celery beat - type celery -A tasks.celery_app beat in the terminal.