
Happy hour finder as a web application.

Primary LanguageRuby


Check Continuous Integration Status for your latest push here:

Codeship Status for rrallo/to-be-renamed


Create a new rails server

rails new happy -m https://raw.github.com/RailsApps/rails3-application-templates/master/rails3-haml-html5-template.rb

Navigate to the directory

cd happy

Pull files from github

git clone git@github.com:itham/to-be-renamed.git .

Update and install gems

bundle update && bundle install

Create the database

rake db:migrate

Populate the database with test data

rake db:seed


Web Server

rails server

Create DB Tables

rake db:migrate

If migrate doesn't work, try

rake db:rollback

and then migrate

Populate DB with test data

rake db:seed