
SAR datasets download and tiling utility

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

SAR datasets download and tiling utility

SAR datasets download and tiling utility 0.1.dev38+g8a440bb.d20230607
usage: sart [-h] {gunw,gssic,chop} ...

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit

    gunw             downloads tiles for JPLs GUNW data collection, from ASF
    gssic            downloads tiles for Global Seasonal Coherence collection, from ASF
    chop             chips any xarray readable (netcfd, tif) file into tiles

For JPL Global Unwrapped Interferometry (GUNW)

See https://asf.alaska.edu/data-sets/derived-data-sets/sentinel-1-interferograms/

usage: sart gunw [-h] --tiles_file TILES_FILE --tiles_folder TILES_FOLDER --granules_download_folder
                 GRANULES_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER --year YEAR --month MONTH [--no_retry] [--n_jobs N_JOBS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tiles_file TILES_FILE
                        geopandas dataframe containing tiles, with 'geometry' and 'identifier'
  --tiles_folder TILES_FOLDER
                        where to store the resulting tiles
  --granules_download_folder GRANULES_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER
                        where to download the granules from ASF before tiling them
  --year YEAR           year to query
  --month MONTH         month to query
  --no_retry            if set, skipped tiles in previous runs will not be retried
  --n_jobs N_JOBS       number of parallel jobs (defaults to -1, using all CPUs)

For Global Seasonal Senintel-1 Coherence (GSSIC)

See https://asf.alaska.edu/datasets/derived/global-seasonal-sentinel-1-interferometric-coherence-and-backscatter-dataset/

usage: sart gssic [-h] --tiles_file TILES_FILE --tiles_folder TILES_FOLDER --granules_download_folder
                  GRANULES_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER [--no_retry] [--n_jobs N_JOBS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tiles_file TILES_FILE
                        geopandas dataframe containing tiles, with 'geometry' and 'identifier'
  --tiles_folder TILES_FOLDER
                        where to store the resulting tiles
  --granules_download_folder GRANULES_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER
                        where to download the granules from ASF before tiling them
  --no_retry            if set, skipped tiles in previous runs will not be retried
  --n_jobs N_JOBS       number of parallel jobs (defaults to -1, using all CPUs)