
Standardize conventions used for development and tooling across repositories

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Standard development infrastructure and tooling to be used across repositories in an organization.

This work was inspired by, and partially cribbed from, lyft/boilerplate.


The principle behind this is to copy the standardized artifacts from this repository into the consuming repository. This is as opposed to pulling them dynamically on each use. In other words, consumers update on demand. It might seem like a disadvantage for consumers to be allowed to get out of sync, but (as long as a system is in place to check/update frequently) it allows more careful and explicit curation of changes. The multiplication of storage space is assumed to be insignificant. (Don't use this for huge binary blobs. If you need to boilerplate a compiled binary or similar, consider storing the source here and compiling it at the target via your update.)

For more discussion of the motivation behind copying rather than using remote sources on the fly, see lyft's README.

A Pretty Picture

The lifecycle from the consuming repository's perspective:

              XXXXXXXXXXXXX                           XXXXXXXXXX
              X Bootstrap X                           X Update X
              XXXXXXXXXXXXX                           XXXXXXXXXX

             +-------------+                    +---------------------+
             |Download     |                    |Subscribe (optional):|
             |update script|                    |Edit update.cfg      |
             +-----+-------+                    +----------+----------+
                   |                                       |
                   v                                       v
          +--------+---------+                 +-----------+-----------+
          |Create            |                 |make boilerplate-update|
          |boilerplate-update|                 +-----------+-----------+
          |make target       |                             |
          +--------+---------+                             v
                   |                           +-----------+-----------+
                   v                           |Commit (automated):    |
              +----+-----+                     |make boilerplate-commit|
              |Touch     |                     +-----------+-----------+
              |update.cfg|                                 |
              +----+-----+                                 v
                   |                              +--------+--------+
                   v                              |Validate changes,|
        +----------+------------+                 |make local edits |
        |make boilerplate-update|                 +--------+--------+
        +----------+------------+                          |
                   |                                       v
                   v                               +-------+-------+
+------------------+----------------------+        |Commit (manual)|
|include boilerplate/generated-includes.mk|        +-------+-------+
+------------------+----------------------+                |
                   |                                       v
                   v                                     +-+--+
        +----------+------------+                        |push|
        |Commit (automated):    |                        +----+
        |make boilerplate-commit|


A "convention" lives in a subdirectory hierarchy of boilerplate and is identified by the subdirectory's path. For example, a convention around OSD operators written in Go lives under boilerplate/openshift/golang-osd-operator and is identified as openshift/golang-osd-operator.

A convention comprises:

  • Files, which are copied verbatim into the consuming repository at update time, replacing whatever was there before. The source directory structure is mirrored in the consuming repository -- e.g. boilerplate/boilerplate/openshift/golang-osd-operator/* is copied into ${TARGET_REPO}/boilerplate/golang-osd-operator/*.
  • An update script (which can be any kind of executable, but please keep portability in mind). If present, this script is invoked twice during an update:
    • Once before files are copied, with the command line argument PRE. This can be used to prepare for the copy and/or validate that it is allowed to happen. If the program exits nonzero, the update is aborted.
    • Once after files are copied, with the command line argument POST. This can be used to perform any configuration required after files are laid down. For example, some files may need to be copied to other locations, or templated values therein substituted based on the environment of the consumer. If the script exits nonzero, the update is aborted (subsequent conventions are not applied).



  1. Copy the main update script into your repo as boilerplate/update. Make sure it is executable (chmod +x).

Note: It is important that the update script be at the expected path, because one of the things it does is update itself!

  1. Touch (create empty) the configuration file boilerplate/update.cfg. This will be use later.

  2. Create a Makefile target as follows:

.PHONY: boilerplate-update

Note: It is important that the Makefile target have the expected name, because (eventually) there may be automated jobs that use it to look for available updates.

  1. Run your first update.
$ make boilerplate-update
  1. Include the "nexus" makefile. This file is generated by boilerplate and will import make rules for any conventions you subscribe to, as well as for the boilerplate framework itself. Add the following line to your Makefile, preferably at the top:
include boilerplate/generated-includes.mk
  1. Commit. For convenience, you can use the boilerplate-commit target provided by boilerplate:
$ make boilerplate-commit

The above steps can be performed by pasting the following scriptlet into your console:

curl --output boilerplate/update --create-dirs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/boilerplate/master/boilerplate/update
chmod +x boilerplate/update
touch boilerplate/update.cfg
printf "\n.PHONY: boilerplate-update\nboilerplate-update:\n\t@boilerplate/update\n" >> Makefile
make boilerplate-update
sed -i '1s,^,include boilerplate/generated-includes.mk\n\n,' Makefile
make boilerplate-commit
  1. boilerplate-commit creates a commit in a new topic branch. Push it to your origin remote as usual to create a pull request.


The update program looks for a configuration file at boilerplate/update.cfg. It contains a list of conventions, which are simply the names of subdirectory paths under boilerplate, one per line. Whitespace and #-style comments are allowed. For example, to adopt the openshift/golang-osd-operator convention, your boilerplate/update.cfg may look like:

# Use standards for Go-based OSD operators

Opt into updates of a convention by including it in the file; otherwise you are opted out, even if you had previously used a given convention.

Note: If you opt out of a previously-used convention by removing it from your config, you are responsible for cleaning up; the main update driver doesn't do it for you.

Note: Updates are applied in the order in which they are listed in the configuration. If conventions need to be applied in a certain order (which should be avoided if at all possible), it should be called out in their respective READMEs.

Follow any configuration changes with the "Update" sequence described below:


Use this procedure to pick up newly-subscribed conventions; and run it periodically to pick up changes to existing subscriptions or to the boilerplate framework itself.

  1. Run make boilerplate-update on a clean branch in your consuming repository.

  2. Commit the changes. For convenience, you can use make boilerplate-commit to automatically create a new topic branch and commit any changes resulting from the update.

  3. Sanity check the changes against your specific repository, fixing any breakages and making local changes appropriate to the substance of the update. If you used make boilerplate-commit, you can use git show to see a summary of what was changed. NOTE: You must not touch files owned by boilerplate. Any changes to boilerplate content must be made in the boilerplate repo itself.

  4. If local changes were necessary, commit them manually. You should commit to the topic branch you (or make boilerplate-commit) created above so that your PR is internally consistent and will build. You may choose to keep the two commits separate (preferred), or combine them.

  5. Push the branch to create a PR as usual.


In your fork of this repository (not a consuming repository):

  • Create a subdirectory structure under boilerplate. The path of the directory is the name of your convention. Do not prefix your convention name with an underscore; such subdirectories are reserved for use by the infrastructure. In your leaf directory:
  • Add a README.md describing what your convention does and how it works.
  • Add any files that need to be copied into consuming repositories. (Optional -- you might have a convention that only needs to run update.)
  • Create an executable called update. (Optional -- you might have a convention that only needs to lay down files.)
    • It must accept exactly one command line argument, which will be either PRE or POST. The main driver will invoke update PRE before copying files, and update POST after copying files. (You may wish to ignore a phase, e.g. via [[ "$1" == "PRE" ]] && exit 0.)
      • Note: We always run the new version of the update script.
      • Note: The entire convention directory is wiped out and replaced between PRE and POST, so e.g. don't try to store any information there.
    • It must indicate success or failure by exiting with zero or nonzero status, respectively. Failure will cause the main driver to abort.
    • The main driver exports the following variables for use by updates:
      • REPO_ROOT: The fully-qualified path to the root directory of the repository in which we are running.
      • REPO_NAME: The short name (so like boilerplate, not openshift/boilerplate) of the git repository in which we are running. (Note that discovering this relies on the origin remote being configured properly.)
      • CONVENTION_ROOT: The path to the directory containing the main update driver and the convention subdirectories themselves. Of note, ${CONVENTION_ROOT}/_lib/ contains some utilities that may be useful for updates.

Environment setup

To test your changes, you can use the BOILERPLATE_GIT_REPO environment variable and set it to your local clone in order to override the version of boilerplate used (Example: export BOILERPLATE_GIT_REPO=~/git/boilerplate).

Default update behaviour consists of cloning the git repo, so ensure you have your changes locally committed for your testing. Alternatively, you can use the BOILERPLATE_GIT_CLONE variable to override the base command used for cloning the project. Example of usecases :

  • Add some flags to the git clone command
  • Replace git clone by a copy command such as rsync or cp in order to avoid having to regularly commit changes


Test cases are executed by running make test. This must be done on a clean git repository; otherwise the tests will not be using your uncommitted changes.

Add new test cases by creating executable files in the test/case subdirectory. These are discovered and executed in lexicographic order by make test. Your test case should exit zero to indicate success; nonzero to indicate failure. The test/lib.sh library defines convenient variables and functions you can use if your test case is written in bash. See existing test cases for examples.