#Votinator Last modified: 05.02.2016 ##Authors

  • Robert Petrov
  • Richard Raumberger


  • Installed and setup MongoDB

##How to install

  • Run 'npm install' in votinator directory
  • Optional: Configure votinator using 'config/env/default.js' and 'config/env/production.js'. Set environment variable NODE_ENV to 'production'.
  • Start app by running 'server.js' with NodeJS. (Default port: 3000)


  • User registration (double-optin), login, logout
  • User groups (user, admin)
  • CRUD operations for polls (votings)
  • Vote and Devote on polls
  • Create recurring polls
  • Create multiple-choice polls
  • Create dynamic answers using scripts ###Admin only
  • Manage Users
  • Approve dynamic scripts

##Notes to dynamic scripting All dynamic scripts of a voting must be approved by the administrator, before the poll's scripts are evaluated.