
A simple karma tracker over google groups

Primary LanguagePython

Shan Points

Shan points are karma in a way, except you only get one point at a time and can't get negative feedback (i.e. your shan points are monotonically increasing over time). This project is an google groups / email tracker of the exchange of Shan points.

Functional Overview

Whenever a google group forwards a message to a specific GMail account, the sender is added to the database with 0 initial Shan points. Every email may contain patterns of the form name +1 or name ++, with no limit on the number of names. Note that a name must be at least 3 characters and that prefix forms work as well (+1 name and ++ name).

Names are resolved to specific users, and if successful, their Shan points are incremented. See decodeUser in scraper.py for resolution rules. Note that a user may receive at most one Shan point per email. Trying to give a user more than one point or give yourself a point will fail miserably.


All the code is built on top of the Django framework. Why? Because Django has a fantastic ORM and I like Python. To get things rolling, enable the tracker app in settings.py and run the standard manage.py syncdb.

Now create a GMail account and subscribe it to the Google Group you'd like to track. Put the account details in SCRAPER_USER and SCRAPER_PASSWORD in settings.py. Figure out the google group id for your group (which is specified in the X-Google-Group-Id header in every email from the group) in SCRAPER_GOOGLE_GROUP as well.

Finally, run scraper.py. This will sign into the GMail account, block until there's a new email, and will update the database with Shan point values if necessary.


Lots of stuff. grep for FIXME in the codebase.