
A Lexical Analyzer developed for Problem Based Learning of Programming Language Processors discipline.

Primary LanguagePython


A Lexical Analyzer developed for Problem Based Learning of Programming Language Processors discipline.

Getting started

  1. Clone the main branch
  2. Create input ("/input") and output ("/output") folders on root
  3. Create a input file (Ex.: "input1.txt") on input folder and write your code
  4. Run python3 main.py to analyze your code
  5. Check the output folder

Lexical structure of language

Description Composition
Reserved words var const typeDef struct extends procedure function start return if else then while read print int real boolean string true false global local
Identifiers (ID) letter(letter | digit | _ )*
Numbers Digit+( . Digit+)?
Digits [0-9]
Letters [a-z] | [A-Z]
Arithmetic operators + - * / ++ --
Relational operators == != > >= < <= =
Logical operators && || !
Comments delimeters // This is a line comment /* This is a block comment */
Delimiters ; , () [] {} .
String "(letter | digit | symbol | \")* "
Symbol ASCII 32 to 126 (except ASCII 34)


Type Token
Reserved word PRE
Identifier IDE
Number NRO
Delimiter DEL
Relational operator REL
Logical operator LOG
Arithmetic operator ART
String CAD
Invalid symbol SIB
Malformed string CMF
Malformed number NMF
Malformed comment CoMF
Malformed operator OpMF