
ACS SDK and Demo App for iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION


This open source iOS library allows you to integrate the ACS server backend into your iOS application on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Except as otherwise noted, the ACS iOS SDK is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)

Getting Started

The SDK is lightweight. Getting started is easy.

Setup Your Environment

  • If you haven't already done so, set up your iPhone development environment by following the iPhone Dev Center Getting Started Documents.

  • Install Git.

  • Pull this SDK from GitHub:

     git clone git@github.com:appcelerator/acs-ios-sdk.git

Sample Applications

This SDK comes with a sample application that demonstrates authorization, making API calls including user registration, Facebook integration, checkin, place searches and photo uploads to guide you in development.

The Sample appication requires some authorization and API keys inorder to access the services provided by Appcelerator. You will need to obtain these values before you can run the Sample Application. To do so, follow the steps below:

  • Log into ACS (https://cloud.appcelerator.com)

  • View the list of Applications currently registered with your account by selecting the "'s Apps" link from the top menu bar. This should bring you to the Applications page.

  • On the Applications page, you should see a line entitled "ACS Sample App". On that line, click on the "Actions" drop down menu then select the "Show/Edit Apps" option. This will bring you to the Application details page which list the keys used by this Application. Make a note of these keys and their values.

  • Note, the values for all keys except for "Facebook App Id" should be already populated. If you want to use Facebook integration, you will need populate the "Facebook App Id" key with your own ID. To do so, select the "Edit" link at the bottom of the Application Details page.

To build and run the sample application with Xcode (4.0):

  • Open the included Xcode Project File by selecting File->Open... and select samples/DemoApp/DemoApp.xcodeproj.

  • Create a ACS App ID (see https://cloud.appcelerator.com). If you'd like to integrate your app with Facebook, provide your Facebook app id.

  • Modify Classes/DemoAppDelegate.m to fill in your actual ACS app key (ACS_APP_KEY) or OAuth consumer key (oauthConsumerKey) and secret (oauthConsumerSecret), along with an optional Facebook App id (facebookAppId). If you are using Facebook integration, you will need to modify the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method so that the ACSClient object is initialized with the Facebook App ID, there is comment above the ACSClient initialization line which shows you how to do this.

  • Finally, select Product -> Build to build the application and then Product -> Run to launch it.

  • Select view/edit places to add a couple places to your app.

APIs Application

The APIs application under samples provides a list of API calls supported by SDK.

Integrate With Your Own Application

Follow these steps to integrate ACSClient with an existing application:

  • Create your own ios project, for example -- client.

  • Select add files to 'Your project'. Go to acs-ios-sdk/src and select the ACSClient, ASIHTTPRequest and FBConnect folders. Make sure to check create groups for added folders.

  • Add Facebook.framework to your project There is one copy of FacebookSDK.framework under acs-ios-sdk/src. In order to use FacebookSDK.framework, you also need to do the following steps: a. add AdSupport, Accounts and Social framework to project b. add the link falg ''-lsqlite3.0'' SQL library to Build Settings->Linking->Other Linker Flags. See details at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/getting-started/facebook-sdk-for-ios/3.1/ . c. add FacebookSDKResources.bundle and FBUserSettingsViewResources.bundle to project. FacebookSDKResources.bundle and FBUserSettingsViewResources.bundle is under acs-ios-sdk/src/FacebookSDK.framework/Resources

  • Add YAJL.framework to your project. There are two copies of YAJL.framework under acs-ios-sdk/src. One copy is under acs-ios-sdk/src/YAJL.framework, another is under acs-ios-sdk/src/ARMv7s-YAJL-framework. We suggest you add acs-ios-sdk/src/ARMv7s-YAJL-framework to your project, which is the newest version for ARMv7s. If you get any errors when using ARMv7s-YAJL-framework, please switch to the older version which is located in acs-ios-sdk/src/YAJL.framework.

  • Add libz.1.2.3.dylib, SystemConfiguration.framework, MobileCoreServices.framework, CoreLocation.framework and CFNetwork.framework to your project.

  • Under Other Linker Flags in your target, add -ObjC and -all_load

  • You should now be able to build and use all the ACS APIs.


Begin by instantiating the ACSClient object:

#import "ACSClient.h"

If you choose to use ACS app key,

[ACSClient initializeWithAppKey:ACS_APP_KEY customAppIds:nil];

If you choose to use ACS oauth consumer key and secret,

[ACSClient initializeWithOauthConsumerKey:oauthConsumerKey consumerSecret:oauthConsumerSecret customAppIds:nil];

If you want to use facebook integration:

[ACSClient initializeWithAppKey:ACS_APP_KEY customAppIds:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:facebookAppId forKey:@"Facebook"]];

or [ACSClient initializeWithOauthConsumerKey:oauthConsumerKey consumerSecret:oauthConsumerSecret customAppIds:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:facebookAppId forKey:@"Facebook"]];

Then add:

  • (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url { return [[ACSClient defaultACSClient] handleOpenURL:url]; }

to yourappDelegate.m

Don't forget to edit your app-info.plist to add URL types for your facebook id. See facebook ios sdk for more information.

Enable/Disable runtime log You can enable/disable runtime log by set loggingEnabled variable in ACSClient.m :

-(void)initCommon:(NSDictionary *)customAppIds { //other code //true, enable log //false, disable log self.loggingEnabled = true;

// other code


With the ACS IOS SDK, you can perform all the actions described in http://docs.appcelerator.com/cloud/latest/#!/guide/ios


This project is open source and provided under the Apache Public License (version 2). Please make sure you see the LICENSE file included in this distribution for more details on the license.

(C) Copyright 2012-2014, Appcelerator Inc. All Rights Reserved.