
Redmine interface for Objective-C

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Objective-C library for using Redmine


  • Hpple

Usage Instructions


RKRedmine *myRedmine = [[RKRedmine alloc] init];
myRedmine.serverAddress = @"http://www.myredmine.com";
myRedmine.username = @"username";
myRedmine.password = @"my_password";
[myRedmine login];

Listing Projects

NSArray *projects = [myRedmine projects];
for (RKProject *project in projects) {
    NSLog(@"=> %@", project.name);

Listing Project Issues and it's update history (journals)

RKProject *myProject = [myRedmine projectForIndex:myProjectIndex];
myProject.sortIssuesBy = RKIssueSortByAssignedTo;
myProject.orderIssuesDesc = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES];
NSArray *issues = [myProject issues];
for (RKIssue *issue in issues) {
    NSLog(@"=> %@", issue.subject);

    NSArray *journals = [issue journals];
    for (RKJournal *journal in journals) {
        NSLog(@"==> %@: %@", journal.createdOn, journal.notes);

Creating Issues

RKIssue *myNewIssue = [[RKIssue alloc] init];
myNewIssue.subject = @"My issue's subject";
myNewIssue.issueDescription = @"This is how I describe an issue";

RKIssueOptions *newIssueOptions = [myProject newIssueOptions];
myNewIsuse.tracker = [[newIssueOptions trackers] objectAtIndex:chosenTrackerIndex];

[myProject postNewIssue:myNewIssue];

Updating Issues

RKIssue *myIssue = [myRedmine issueForIndex:myIssueIndex];
RKIssueOptions *updateOptions = [myIssue updateOptions];
myIssue.assignedTo = [updateOptions.assignableUsers objectAtIndex:assignedUserIndex];
[myIssue postUpdateWithNotes:@"Assigned to user X for review"];

Posting a Time Entry

RKIssue *myIssue = [myRedmine issueForIndex:myIssueIndex];
RKIssueOptions *options = [myIssue updateOptions];

RKTimeEntry *entry = [[RKTimeEntry alloc] init];
entry.spentOn = [options.activities objectAtIndex:activityIndex];
entry.hours = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:3.5];
entry.comments = @"Here it goes a comment for this time entry"

[myIssue postTimeEntry:entry];