
A skeleton package for analyzing xAOD data from the ATLAS experiment.

Primary LanguageC++


A skeleton package for developing code for analyzing xAOD data from the ATLAS experiment at CERN.

This package helps users quickly get a framework up and running for reading xAODs, making corrections with ATLAS SUSYTools, and saving some custom subset of data in a flat (not xAOD) output ntuple for further analysis.

Users should mainly have to implement something like MyAnalysisAlgorithm and its functions, inheritting the basic helpers and overhead from MyAnalysisBaseAlgorithm, which should not require much if any edits. Please see the comments marked "USER TODO" in MyAnalysisPackage/MyAnalysisAlgorithm.h and Root/MyAnalysisAlgorithm.cxx.

Getting started


source setup.sh


rc clean
rc find_packages
rc compile


mkdir run
cd run
MyNtupleMaker Zee DAOD_EXOT10.root

See also

How to use git

Checkout this:

git clone https://github.com/rreece/MyAtlasAnalysisProject.git

Helper aliases:

To make common git commands more simple, you can define the following aliases. Open your ~/.bashrc file and add the following lines:

## git helper aliases
alias git-st="git status"
alias git-ci="git commit -a -m "
alias git-push="git push -u origin master"
alias git-pull="git pull"
alias git-add="git add"
alias git-last="git log -1 HEAD"

With these defined, you can check the status by


commit (AKA "check-in") changes by

git-ci "put comment here"

push your committed changes by


pull others' changes by
