
A general ROOT tree skimmer and slimmmer

Primary LanguagePython


A general ROOT tree skimmer and slimmmer.


tree_trimmer.py [OPTIONS] file1.root [file2.root ... skim.py] [OPTIONS]


This is a very general and configurable script for skimming (skipping events) and slimming (dropping branches) ROOT TTrees.

An example call is:

tree_trimmer.py -t mytree -b vars.txt -s skim -k 'CollectionTree,tauPerfMeta/TrigConfTree' *.root skim.py

This call would chain together TTrees named 'mytree' in all '*.root' files. Then it would turn-off the branch status of all branches in mytree, except for those listed in vars.txt, which can look something like this:


Then, it would skim mytree according to the skim(tree) function specified with the option -s, and implemented in skim.py. The additional trees specified by the option -k, would also be kept in their entirety.

The counts of all events and the events passing the skim are recorded in the first and second bins of a histogram, 'h_n_events', that is saved in each output file.


-h, --help
    Prints this docstring and exits.
-b FILE, --branches_on_file=FILE
    When specified, FILE should be the name of a file containing branch
    names, or fnmatch patterns for branch names, one per line.
    (# comments are allowed.)  This specifies the branches that
    should be turned-on, all others are turned-off.

-B FILE, --branches_off_file=FILE
    When specified, FILE should be the name of a file containing branch
    names, or fnmatch patterns for branch names, one per line.
    (# comments are allowed.)  This specifies the branches that
    should be turned-off, even if they were turned-on in the
    branches_off_file above; good for specifying exceptions.

-k 'TREE1,DIR/TREE2,...', --keep_trees='TREE1,DIR/TREE2,...'
    Comma-separated names of additional trees (metadata, config, ...) that
    should be coppied in their entirety, in addtion to the main tree being

-m NUM, --max_events=NUM
    Max number of events to run over the input trees.

-M MB, --max_tree_size=MB
    Specifies the ROOT.TTree.SetMaxTreeSize in MB.  By default, ROOT should
    make it 1900 MB.

-o FILE, --out=FILE
    Specifies the name of the output file, 'skim.root' by default.

-s FUNC, --skim=FUNC
    Specifies the name of a user-supplied skimming function, FUNC(tree),
    that should return True/False if the current entry in tree passes
    the skim.  The user should implement FUNC in a python file and provide
    it as a command-line argument.  For example, to skim for events that
    have a 20 GeV electron candidate, one could write:

        def skim(ch):
            for i_el in xrange(ch.el_n):
                if ch.el_pt[i_el] > 20000.0:
                    return True
            return False

-t NAME, --tree=NAME
    Specifies the name of the main tree to be skimmed (skipping events) and
    slimmed (dropping branches), 'tauPerf' by default.


Ryan Reece ryan.reece@cern.ch


Copyright 2011 Ryan Reece
License: GPL http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html


ROOT http://root.cern.ch


  • Optionally copy all additional objects in input files. One has to pragram support for all ROOT object types that may copy differently, and treat the main tree as a special case.
  • Does not work if output exceeds one file. The trees appear to be duplicated in the output files.
  • Progress bar?
