
A system to collect twitter data and analyse information diffusion.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Statistical analysys for my bachelor thesis named "Comparison of the diffusion of real and fake news in social networks"


  • python (2.7 was used to develop, I'm not sure if 3 is completely compatible)
  • jupyter notebook
  • pymongo
  • tweepy, twitterscrapper or another system for downloading tweets (see fetcher.py for details)
  • argparse
  • requests.utils
  • re
  • mongodb server


  1. Create a text file with one news headline per line:

Donald Trump Says Transgender People Should Use the Bathroom They Want
This may shock you: Hillary Clinton is fundamentally honest | Jill Abramson
I Miss Barack Obama

  1. python jobcomposer.py inputfile.txt jobsfile.sh database_name
    The system was developed to copare dynamics of diffusion of real and fake news, so it is important to separate these two types of news. For this you should use 2 input files, 2 output files and 2 databases. It is not necessary to create the databases prior to using this system.
  2. chmod +x ./jobsfile.sh && ./jobsfile.sh
  3. python dropextracollections.py database_name
  4. python tweetseliminator.py database_name
  5. jupyter notebook
  6. Go to the web page specified by the command at step 5. You will see 2 notebooks. They are almostly equal, only some labels vary betweetn "fake" and "real". For every (or for one, if you don't want to compare) notebook: set database name and (optionally) database server in the beginning of the notebook, go through the whole notebook with Schift+Enter and enjoy graphs and other results.