This repository stores a collection of BuckleScript bindings for various, widely used, GraphQL projects.
The following packages are contained in this repository and published on npm:
Package | Binds to | NPM | Description |
bs-graphql |
graphql-js |
Core GraphQL bindings over the JS reference implementation | |
bs-graphql-tools |
graphql-tools |
Bindings for the Apollo GraphQL server tools | |
bs-apollo-server-express |
apollo-server-express |
Bindings to mount an apollo server on express |
WARNING: Most of those bindings are partial for now! Please consult each binding's readme for more information.
TL;DR;: This repo has it all with a few interesting things more (such as snapshot testing with jest):
This short guide will show you how to setup a GraphQL server fast.
First, you will need a reason codebase:
npm install -g bs-platform
bsb -init my-graphql-server -theme basic-reason
cd my-graphql-server
yarn install || npm install
Now, you need to install the packages here and graphql as well as express:
yarn add graphql express body-parser \
bs-express bs-graphql bs-apollo-server-express bs-graphql-tools || \
npm install --save graphql express body-parser \
bs-express bs-graphql bs-apollo-server-express bs-graphql-tools
Add the bindings in bsconfig.json
"name": "my-graphql-server",
"sources": [
"bs-dependencies" : [
We're starting the development, you should run a watch process: yarn watch || npm run watch
and add the following files:
First we'll define a Reason type alongside an associated GraphQL schema and resolver functions:
type t = {
name: string,
number: int
let hope = {name: "A New Hope", number: 4};
let empire = {name: "The Empire Strikes Back", number: 5};
let jedi = {name: "The Return of the Jedi", number: 6};
let getName e =>;
let getNumber e => e.number;
let typeDef = "type Episode { name: String!, number: Int! }";
let resolvers = {"name": getName, "number": getNumber};
Then, we'll define the base Query type similarly:
let getEpisodes () => [|Episode.hope, Episode.empire, Episode.jedi|];
let getFavoriteEpisode () => Episode.empire;
let typeDef = "type Query { episodes: [Episode!]!, favoriteEpisode: Episode! }";
let resolvers = {"episodes": getEpisodes, "favoriteEpisode": getFavoriteEpisode};
We can now put together a schema:
let typeDefs = Query.typeDef ^ " " ^ Episode.typeDef;
let resolvers = {"Query": Query.resolvers, "Episode": Episode.resolvers};
let schema = GraphQLTools.makeExecutableSchema {"typeDefs": typeDefs, "resolvers": resolvers};
And finally, we can mount a server: Server.js
let port = 8080;
external bodyParserJson : unit => Express.Middleware.t = "json" [@@bs.module "body-parser"];
let () = {
let app = Express.App.make ();
Express.App.use app (bodyParserJson ());
let graphqlMiddleware = ApolloServerExpress.createGraphQLExpressMiddleware Schema.schema;
let graphiqlMiddleware = ApolloServerExpress.createGraphiQLExpressMiddleware "/graphql";
Express.App.useOnPath app graphqlMiddleware path::"/graphql";
Express.App.useOnPath app graphiqlMiddleware path::"/graphiql";
Express.App.listen app ::port;
Js.log ("GraphQL Server listening on http://localhost:" ^ string_of_int port)
If your watcher worked so far, you can now run the server and run a query against it:
node ./lib/js/src/server.js
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8080/graphql \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"query":"{ favoriteEpisode { name, number }}"}'
Please read the CONTRIBUTING document if you want to help or report issues.