
TeamCity docker compose samples

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TeamCity docker-compose samples JetBrains team project

Simple docker compose files to run TeamCity server together with agents.


TeamCity provides docker images for Linux and Windows containers. Windows images have the following suffixes in tags: -nanoserver and -windowsservercore. Available TeamCity images on Docker Hub:

Basic configurations

Docker compose files for Linux containers are stored in compose-ubuntu directory, for Windows in compose-windows.

  • Set TeamCity version in .env file (also could be 'EAP', or 'EAP-nanoserver-2004' for Windows).
  • To run, use: docker-compose up -d command
  • After creating a user, visit "Agents -> Unauthorized" to authorize the build agent.

After start TeamCity server will be available on http://localhost:8112/ in Linux containers. To open server URL on Windows execute the following command in PowerShell:

explorer "http://$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' teamcitywindows_server_1):8111"

Multi-node configuration with several servers

See README.md in multinode folder