Inditex Challenge 🦸

The project consists of a SSR web application built with NextJS and Sass. We use the Marvel API to fetch and display data from various characters in the Marvel Universe and their features.

SuperHero Live Demo

Quick Start for Developers


  • NodeJS (Version 20)
  • Yarn

Installation Steps

yarn install

Marvel API

To access the superhero data from Marvel, registration is required on their development portal. After registration, you will receive two keys: a public one and a private one. Both are indispensable for this project. Register here: Marvel's Development Portal

Marvel API's host configuration

In order to make successful requests to the Marvel API, it is necessary to attach an authorized or referral host. Follow this link and add the domain where your application is deployed. Make sure to add a domain for local testing (marvel.yourdomain.local).

Add the following line to the /etc/hosts file for it to work properly: marvel.yourdomain.local

Creation of the .env file

Set a new .env file to include the following environment variables (you can refer to .env.template):

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_MARVEL_PUBLIC_API_KEY (*) public key obtained from Marvel's developer portal
  • MARVEL_PRIVATE_API_KEY (*) private key obtained from Marvel's developer portal

Project Structure

The application is based on the app-router modality of NextJS. It includes the /app directory for route management and the composition of layouts and page components.

Directory definition:

  • /components: It houses business-agnostic and generic independent components like a button
  • /pods: Contains logical information divided into different areas, such as interfaces, utilities, contexts, services
  • /scenes: Includes components with business logic, where we usually make API calls
  • /theme: Stores all .scss files, including global styles and CSS variables for theming


  • dev: Starts application in development mode
  • build: Generates a build of the application in production mode
  • start: Starts the application in SSR production mode
  • lint: Runs linting to verify code style
  • test: Runs tests to verify application functionality,
  • test:ci: Runs tests in ci mode to verify application functionality,
  • playwright: Runs e2e tests to verify app flows
  • playwright:ui: Runs e2e tests to verify app flows in interactive mode

Component Development

Proper separation of responsibilities between components is essential. This allows creating more maintainable, versatile components and provides a better development experience.


For the linting process we are using customised Eslint for NextJS projects.


Using Commitlint we maintain a mandatory commit format based on semantic commits.


Vitets + Testing Library

  • Unit Tests
  • Integration Tests


  • e2e

Remember that in order to run e2e tests with playwright you need to set up a local domain, set up the playwright configuration files and have the server running.

Push Validation

Husky is currently used in the project in such a way that with each push to the repository the project tests and a linting check will be passed.


In this project we use SWR as a fetcher to simplify data recovery processes.


The application includes a Dockerfile for deployment. With Docker installed, run the following commands to start the application:

docker build -t superhero:0.0.1 .
docker run --env-file .env -p 80:80 superhero:0.0.1


MIT License. This page was generated non-profit.


All visual material on the page is provided by Marvel