
Generate EPG for the JTV in command line; uses node and commander

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


JTVEpgGen is a command-line application that generates epg.xml.gz from J TV API


      _ _______     _______              ____
     | |_   _\ \   / / ____|_ __   __ _ / ___| ___ _ __
  _  | | | |  \ \ / /|  _| | '_ \ / _` | |  _ / _ \ '_ \
 | |_| | | |   \ V / | |___| |_) | (_| | |_| |  __/ | | |
  \___/  |_|    \_/  |_____| .__/ \__, |\____|\___|_| |_|
                           |_|    |___/

Usage: jtvepggen [options]

JTVEpgGen is a command-line application that generates epg.xml.gz from J TV API

  -V, --version                  output the version number
  -s, --startDayOffset  [value]  Start day offset between -7 and 7. Default 0.
  -e, --endDayOffset  [value]    End day offset between -7 and 7. Default 0.
  -d, --delayUnit  [value]       Delay unit; 1 means milli second. Default 100.
  -h, --help                     display help for command

Tech Stack

  • TypeScript
  • Node
  • Commander
  • EJS - for templating
  • pkg - for executable
  • Jest
  • ESLint
  • Prettier

Available Commands

npm run


  • get channels
  • gzip
  • Test cases
  • move inside src (?)