This MATLAB computer game was created for ENG 6 Final Project.
The game is inspired by the popular mainly-app based game Among Us.
- We have player information sent through ThingSpeak IoT.
- current version of .mlapp file: final_version_code.mlapp
Oh no! You are stranded on a broken space ship in outer space! You and your crewmates have to finish the task bar in order to fix the ship and get back home!
Along the way, an imposter may pretend to help you finish your tasks but BEWARE the imposter is there to sabotage your tasks and make it harder for you to fix the ship!
- Download from GitHub: click the green button named "Code", then click on "Download Zipped File" from the dropdown
- The zipped file contains all image files and sound files, make sure that you have saved these in the same path as the code file
- Open in App Designer in MATLAB
- Have fun playing!
- Each player is given 5 cards in the beginning of the game
- Each player may pick up as many cards as they want per turn until the hand is full
- A player’s hand is full when they have 8 cards
- After picking up cards each player must put down one card per turn
- Once a player plays the card it is no longer their turn
- You may shuffle the deck at anytime
- The aim is for you and the other player to collectively finish the tasks before time runs out
- A task is completed when the same card is played twice, and so the task bar updates
- There is a time limit of 7 minutes, when time runs out the game is over
- Niranjana-Core, Reach, Special Features, Graphics Designer
- Radhika- Core, Reach, Special Features, ThingSpeak IoT, Team Lead
- Alyssa- A Core Function, Reach, Special Features, Sounds
- Kledi - Reach, Animation (to be implemented)