
A music score searcher that uses Rabbit MQ, Azure Function and other things

Primary LanguageC#

Score Finder MQ

A music score searcher that uses some cool things on its architecture.

Technologies used:

  • RabbitMQ
  • SQLite
  • .NET Core 3.1
  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Application Config
  • Telegram API (as interface)


Architecture diagram


At EnvironmentHelper.cs (ScoreFinder.Infra project) you can mock a file with centralized variables, such as MQ informations, tokens, connection strings etc. with this sintax:




Save this file and fill the full path in "mockFileFullPath" variable at GetValue() method.

Debug "ScoreFinder.Orquestrador", "ScoreFinder.Controller" and "ScoreFinder.Presentation.Telegram" projects.

Some useful links