
ODS-2 file system Linux module

Primary LanguageC


Support for current Linux 6 kernel.
Currently unstable.
Ls works.


The ODS2 driver for Linux version 0.9.2 support read of ODS2 formated
file systems such as SCSI disks, CDROM's, container disks that have been
formatted using OpenVMS.
Currently only stream and variable record files are supported.

Limitations and workarounds

The nature of variable record files make it hard for utilities like less
to find the correct end. The less utility assume that the file size is the
true end of the last byte of data in the file but for a variable record
file the file size also include bytes not to be displayed.
The major problem is that if you use less and then hit the End key less
will try to go beyond the end of the virtual position.
A simple way around this is to use cat on the file and pipe that to less.
By this method you will go to end of file when you hit the End key for less.

Utilities like less use llseek to find its positions in the file.
Without any workaround less would ending up in the wrong position in
the file.
To solve the problem the ODS2 driver keep track of the virtual position
in the file (the position less knows about) and create checkpoints every 64K
position. By these checkpoints function llseek can find its position by
searching from the closest position instead reading all records from start.


The ODS2 source code is released under GNU General Public License (GPL).


The ODS2 driver is written by me, Jonas Lindholm, and I was doing it for fun and
to get deeper knowledge of file systems on Linux.
It is also a challange to get it to work and it seems that people are looking
for a ODS filoe system module for Linux.
Later versions will support write as well.