
Unofficial (work-in-progress) version of Slax for Raspberry Pi 2.

Primary LanguageShell


This is an unofficial build of slax for Raspberry Pi Single Board Computers.

WARNING: This is a work-in-progress version! There be dragons!


  • Boots into squashfs rootfs stored in 01-core.sb
  • Based on Linux kernel 5.4.51-v7+ with aufs5-standalone patches and otherwise default RaspiOS kernel config
  • Based on 2020-05-27-raspios-buster-lite-armhf.zip (Debian Buster)
  • Based on linux-live scripts with statically compiled dependencies for armv7l
  • Got boot configuration working after great advice from IRC users #debianarm-port on irc.freenode.net (ShorTie, Tenkawa, c0rnelius)
  • Tested on Raspberry Pi 2
  • Used pureos for the livekitname so that it is clear, that this is unofficial
  • 01-core.sb is split due to limits of the maximum upload filesize. Need to cat the files together after checkout
  • pack.sh and unpack.sh has been added to inspect the initramfs
  • As further work involves creating lots of squashfs and initramfs images, it is not ideal to work on the SD card. qemu-system-arm would be a good addition for development...


  • Right now it boots into systemd and the regular login prompt only with kernel cmdline option debug and manually executing sh init the first time the debug shell is offered during boot. Then just exiting the debug shell till the OS boots. My guess right now is that somewhere an error occurs and is fixed by executing code twice. Seems like the bug is during the first aufs mount/entering the directory. There is a segmentation fault. Executing the init twice during initrd tries it a second time and then it succeeds.
  • Unclean /dev/mmcblk0p1 leads to a failed boot. TODO: fsck.vfat in initramfs
  • wpa_supplicant somehow does not like to talk to systemd everytime.