The Space Weather Ontology (The Astrometeorology Ontology)

An ontology about space weather.


See also the ORSD.


An ontology representing the domain of space weather to the extent it is a domain unto itsef. As such it will focus on weather phenomena in the astronomical environment as described by astronmers, stellar and planetary physicists, astrophysicists, etc. A causal aspect is included to provide impact on human lives and infrastructures. For long-term use and sustainability, the ontology is intended to capture generic space weather terms and concepts applicable to any stellar or planetary system, rather than only for Earth. However, given the state of space-faring activity, the target phenomena is largely focused on the near-Earth space weather environment.


A module, usable by itself, but also part of the author's wider astronomical environment ontology, and space domain knowledge modeling suite of ontologies.


  • To formally represent the target phenomena in a computable manner
  • To provide a computable terminology that is accurate an consistent with domain expertise
  • To provide a semantic model for space weather data sources
  • To support data-sharing
  • To support the mitigation of hazards associated with astrometeorological phenomena


  • In-progress as circumstances permit. Subject to revision.
  • As a unfunded personal project, continued development is dependent on circumstances. Formal support is needed to complete and sustain development. Contact the author to formally support the project in some way. Donations are welcome at the below web-links.

Support / Contribute - How you can help

As an unfunded personal project, you can help by offerring financial support, employment opportunities, graduate study opportunities whereby this can be part of my thesis or projects, co-authorship on papers or proposal, mentorship, voluntary technical expertise/servies for desired functionalities of my project, relevant datasets to apply the ontology to, and to be a user of the ontology(s). Contact, or schedule a meeting


  • Contact if interested in purchasing use
  • With sufficient formal support, the ontology may become open

Relevant Publications & Presentations

See this webpage for full list of relevant articles

Author / Creator / Developer

Robert J. Rovetto - Space Ontologist Conceptual Engineering, Knowledge modeling, Terminology


No warranty. No liability. All content, work and products are subject to revision. No claims to completeness.


©2023, Robert John Rovetto. All right reserved. Not authorized for commercial use unless explicitly negotiated with the author. Citation/attribution required. No warranty. Presented "AS IS". Author and copyright holder is not liable. All content, work and products are subject to revision. No claims to completeness or complete accuracy.