Project to get you started with your Phaser-CE (using the npm module) game using Typescript and Webpack for building! No hassle asset management, Google Web Font loader, live server, development vs distribution build pipeline, Electron packaging for desktop builds, and more...
- 2
- 1
node-png is incompatible with node 12.x.x
#75 opened by Kitanga - 1
[REQUEST] I've made a game using your boilerplate
#72 opened by tuskat - 1
Security risk for webpack-dev-server
#68 opened by jdeblander - 1
- 6
portrait support ?
#15 opened by spacedragon - 3
- 8
- 1
Better dependency versions
#67 opened by joestrong - 2
Tilemaps support in assets loader
#63 opened by luckylooke - 2
Auto-Resize Support?
#62 opened by bhEsquivel - 0
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object when build:dist
#61 opened by TheLox95 - 8
Write files
#60 opened by tezqa - 1
- 3
Unable to use plugins
#59 opened by tezqa - 4
How to set aspect-ratio to 16:9
#22 opened by kongyuan - 1
Integrate PusherJS
#53 opened by clown21 - 4
npm install not installing dependencies
#57 opened by MorpheusZero - 11
Add Multi-platform Build Support
#5 opened by Majirefy - 2
Working with loaded JSON
#56 opened by gilizeevi - 3
npm run server:dev fails
#51 opened by leozulfiu - 6
Asset Generation issues...
#40 opened by tomph - 2
Suggestion for tslint.json
#54 opened by michelcve - 1
- 5
Hacktoberfest 2017!
#44 opened by rroylance - 1
add asset-binaryFile Support
#46 opened by meltzow - 0
- 1
- 3
Failed to compile after cloning repository
#38 opened by emik - 2
Spritesheet not generating
#34 opened by amenant - 3
Getting Error running
#35 opened by QuipHop - 6
assetUtils.ts is not es6 ready
#27 opened by chessIthaca - 4
Is it possible to include plugins?
#30 opened by amenant - 2
#26 opened by chessIthaca - 1
#25 opened by chessIthaca - 1
How to build a custom Phaser
#23 opened by Nepoxx - 0
Missing License
#24 opened by chessIthaca - 3
Not building on current version
#20 opened by seand88 - 1
- 2
Dependency on git
#17 opened by Nepoxx - 3
How to load tilemap json?
#16 opened by Mirodil - 25
Help me with my project
#12 opened by Majirefy - 4
- 2
TypeScript definitions
#13 opened by Nepoxx - 1
Specify Sprite Sheet with no JSON.
#8 opened by Majirefy - 4
Some tutorial on making this project
#10 opened by Majirefy - 1
yeoman generator support
#9 opened by chocopoule - 3
- 5
What's "assets_raw"?
#4 opened by Majirefy - 3
Local Font Support
#2 opened by Majirefy